The omen 2006 remake review

So this movie came out on the 6th of june 2006 making it 06/06/'06 or 666 matching it with the theme of the movie, this is a movie remake of the original movie and there weren't any follow up movies after this one and I think it is a shame as there are some key differences between the original movie and this one (I haven't watched the first original movie yet only the second one as the moment of writing)

There is some small prologue of a monk that sees an unusual comet that is like the star that shone after the birth of christ in Bethlehem, and then there is some kind of powerpoint presentation before the pope and a conclave that the end of the world is coming according to the book of relevations including the attacks on the world trade towers as one of the signs that the apocalypse is coming but this prologue ends in some kind of inconclusive end in my opinion.

The real plot movie after the prologue starts in Rome where a diplomat with the familyname Thorn is running into the hospital as his wife is in labour, once he arrives a monk doctor says to him than the baby was born dead and that the womb of his wife was severely damaged to the point that she might never have children again. But there was this baby born of an unknown woman who had died during labour and the monk suggests changing the babies so they have a son anyway. Under the guise that they have to love the living instead of loving the dead.

The diplomat accepts as he thinks that it will be best for his wife and himself to take this child and raise it as his own. But soon alot of strange things start happening. Like the ambassador for the United States dies in a freak accident during a traffic jam and now because the US had plans to move him around from Rome to London and he personally wanted Thorn to move with him to London so now he is promoted to full ambassador status in London.

Here is where the strange plot start happening, after they move there is this large birthday party for Damien (yes they kept the names if you didn't notice already) and here is when the most disturbing thing in this movie happens, namely the nanny (for what they hire a nanny is unclear as the mother is always home anyway.) hangs herself in full view yelling this is all for you, Damien

they look out for a new nanny and they hire someone who seems a bit to happy to start up the job and this was a big mistake in my opinion. Here is where everything goes wrong for the family, a random monk tries to warn Thorn about his adoptive child that he is the anyichrist but he wont have anything from him and there is a freak accident involving the monk and there is another freak accident with the mother that was kind of on purpose and she falls down but initually survives.

The mother then lands in the hospital and there she is killed by the nanny under the influence of Damien and here is where the father goes batshit crazy and gives in to the ranting of these religious lunatics that have been whining to him for all damien's life and so he goes with this photographer to search for the grave of the original mother of Damien and they find out that the hospital has burned down in the last five years and been rebuild and now the head monk is in this monastery and gives them the location of the graveyard where the mother and the son are buried. They discover that the real son of Mr Thorn was murdered. The mother of Damien was a Jackalope. Now they set out to kill Damien as Thorn is convinced that Damien is the antichrist. They run to a church where they can kill him and this is where the movie ends
with the dead of Mr Thorn.

My opinion about this movie is that it is truely disturbing in nature; what most disturbed me was the scene where the nanny hanged herself infront of all the kids while yelling this is all for you Damien. I've researched abit and according to that research this wasn't a very faithfull remake to the original and are some key differences in the movies. Which warrants a watching of the original anyway, For example, in this search to the grave of the mother of Damien there is a reporter guiding Mr thorn and he gets decapited near the end of the movie. I give this movie eight out of ten for creepyness and overal disturbing the flying fuck out of me


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