Early impressions on The Dante club

Hello there,
I am writing this on this new book I have been reading on the Dante club and I must say that it is a detective novel that I am not used to reading this.

So, I will do this like I did the notes on Inferno, by Dan Brown sweet and short articles on this novel.
I Think that this novel is kind of weird book to be honest and it is not even translated into my native language so it will be harder for me to do this.
  • Kurtz, a detective in 1865 or something Boston is called into a crime scene 
  • It is a judge that has been found by one of his maids filled with maggots and flies
  • It is revealed that one of the older chief maid found the guy
  • after this the story shifts to the coronor
  • The coroner thing also shift to some Drama involving the local university in Boston about some professors who is also kinda loving dante's inferno for some reason.
Here is the video I listened to while starting this article!


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