Inglorius basterds (2009)

Well some comedy that takes a run with real historical events? I'll allow it and review it here!

So this movie is set in world war two and we are directly introduced to the character we start and end the movie with who thinks they escape everything but then gets marked anyway
Now this movie starts with the catching of a family of jews that are hiding on a diary farm but the eldest daughter is able to run away and survive and she is able to make her way into paris where she is having a cinema.
But then a second storyline is poured in when an american unit is formed that ambuses the SS everywhere and nowhere and get their scapls of their heads, as a trophy. eventually one of their victims gets to meet hitler but that is for now storyline Y. Hitler eventually gets killed in the beforementioned theatre in Paris. The unit meets up with a british spy and they go on a rendez-vous mission in a cellar, all those who entered the cellar gets killed execpt for the acctress they wanted to rendez-vous with but she gets killed later anyway so it didn't really matter, together they hatch a plan to bomb the theathre in paris.
But the owner of the teathre plans to burn down the theathre which has greater succes than the bombing the americans had planned as the commander and the actress get caught before they can do anything. and the movie ends in a bloodbath for everyone only a couple survive the bad guy from the beginning of the movie gets his mark and then the movie ends.

I think this movie was enjoyable to watch. But thats kinda the point of this movie to have a fun time watching it. No teaching something to the audience but a bit of the nazi mindset and a bit of enjoyment really, the storyline is as messed up as this article so I give this movie a 7/10


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