Trainspotting (1996)

Hello there,

This is a review of what is in my opinion one of the classic movies one has to watch before you die, But I am going to review it for the people that haven't watched it yet.

So we fellow a group of herion addicts and one guy in particular who is a jedi master (maybe he's doing an undercover mission or something) on his route to become free from his addiction.
He takes his final shot and his group of close friends actually follows with him and they are going trough all kinds of shennanigans.
He has sex for the first time in ages because his addict mind tells him that herion is better than sex and took away his sex drive and is actually a stimulans for him at first to stay of the drug but he has sex with a 16 year old

When they're bored with "real life" they go back to their drug of choice to actually escape reality and boy does shit go down, a baby dies because they got high and one event leads to another and one of the group goes to jail while our main guy narrowly escapes with the promise he goes away from the drugs. He goes for one final hit and overdoses and then is forced by his mother and father to go cold turkey. He then finds a job under influence of the 16 year old and lives in londen now, until she tells him trough a letter that his psycho friend is on his way and he now sleeps with him while he is a fugitive from the law.

He then does almost everything for him and more and more of his older friends kind of join up he throws them out and a guy died and they go for one final hit in the means of reselling drugs for a huge amount of money which they pull of and our main guy then walks away!

I give this movie actually a 10/10 because its a simple narrative and still enjoyable to watch! I have almost no commentary to give other than the psycho of the movie is played by the guy who also is played hitler in the rise of evil!


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