DR Sleep By stephen king, my review

Hello there,

I have finished dr sleep as you might already have known yesterday I posted the part reviews together for your reading. But now I am going to go over the story as a complete part and not devide it like I did eirlier. And yes there will be a gold edition.

So Dan Torrance escaped from the overlook hotel, they got a compensation from the company. Life is hard for him and go him mother and their resquer from the overlook hotel comes and save the day again as he teaches Danny how to deal with those pesky ghost people.

Then he turns into a raging alcoholic like his father was and goes from job to job and from state to state until he gets stuck in Frazier and sticks and goes to AA meetings and stays of the drink. One day Abra gets born and contacts him over telepathy.

A cult, travels the country abducting and killing children who have "the shining" for steam whom they eat. They ofcourse discover Abra because he is stronger than anyone they ever met. They ofcourse want her, and they hunt her down. But they're met with resistance from dan her father and some other guy they picked up somewhere and kill some cultmembers.

This is the beginning of the end of this book, Dan goes to meet the cult in person with a plan. They exicute the plan that is based on the site of the overlook hotel The reason why they're based there I don't know. In a rather dull ending that destroyed the cult he was hunting to the death.
The epilogue of the book is not much just to resolve the question, what happened after the book, it is just living happely ever after.

My opinion of this book is quite good, but the thing is that the ending is quite dull, tough I liked it. I will give this book a 7/10 just because it was a book that was an easy read in terms of fluidity. I see you next review!


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