Dr Sleep, by stephen king last part on the roof of the world review (+epilogue)

Hello there,

I finished the book (finally) and I have to say that the ending dissappointed me a little bit, I expected more of an finale directed by micheal bay rather than just what happened

So the finall part of the book is the confrontation between dan and the cult that has been kidnapping and killing children to food for ages.
They have their main headquarters where the overlook hotel used to be like 35 years ago when danny was just a kid and lived their with his parents when the events of the shining took place.
The thing is that the plan discussed in the previous chapter is putinto practice but there is a detail that I overlooked, Dan took the steam from abra's great grandmother and used it to kill them all. Execpt for rose, the now leader of the cult since the eldest member died from mere measels.

And thats it folks, that is the entire plan put into action, what kept them alive  if taken from someone young killed them when coming from an older person! pretty ironic if you ask me
My opinion about this chapter is a bit of a letdown so I give it 5,5/10 banana's

Now the epilogue, is just how the life is going to be for Dan and abra now that everything is over. Just like the ending of Harry potter everything is nice and normal once again. and were supposed to be happy but I feel empty after reading this book


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