Beneath the skin by nicci French (english review) part 2

Hello there,

finally the second part of Beneath the skin translated! I must say it is a relief.


This part follows Jennifer, the wife of some kind of rich lawyer that doesn't have anything to do (the woman) than raise her children (for which she has hired someone for) and to decorate her new house.
She has a son that does acting classes. She has her doubts if this son is gay or not. And because this guy has chosen a nickname and I have my doubts myself because of this. (my brother is gay don't shoot me please)
Her other children don't get described that much but that one I talked about hates his mother but he is prolly just stoked by the nanny.

Now that was a bit offtopic abit, but the moment she starts recieving letters (for some reason I don't remember) the police comes in and starts investigating. Zoe has been dead since tha last chapter. I hoped that she solely had been captured or something. Her husband, who is almost never home gets arrested because it.

My opinion and other irritating stuff

There is not much to say but that I find the cops to be amateurs or something. Still nothing has been seen about the person who is doing this. And I think that in the next chapter we will see there much more in the next chapter.


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