The Square of Revenge by Pieter Aspe (english book review)

Hello there,

I found out that this guy's books did get translated into english so I'm also translating this book review of this book, I wrote a while back. Pieter Aspe is a flemish author and he is famous for his crime novels starring Van In.


This is the first book of this series that set off Aspe's career as a writer, and this couldn't be a better start than you can imagine. This also means alot of new characters have to be introduced to us but Aspe, has found a way to do this without doing it in a forced way. Which is positive in my eyes. 
This book starts with the discovery of some sort of hold up on this jewellery shop in Bruges (the whole series is set in Bruges By the way). The entire police investigation should have been classified by the very beginning because the father of the owner, is a very influential figure and doesn't want anything damaging his reputation. 

This isn't to the liking of the detective Van In and the new substitute Hannelore Martens (who is supposed to be Smoking hot by the way) They are going on an unofficial investigation which is also supposed to be illegal and they uncover the entire past of the family Degroof  and come to the conclusion of what actually happened

My opinion and other irritating stuff will be published in the next article of this book.


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