The children of Hurin gold edition

Hello there,

This is the gold edition of the children of hurin, this means I am putting together the main article of the book here first and then all the rest.

First of all, I am putting out links to the other articles so you doing have to search for them
I've read this book and now I'm here typing out this article, but first the storyline ofcourse. Hurin goes to war against the prime villain of this world. The battle is lost and he gets captured by Morgoth and he is now a slave.
Then Turin has to leave his home and gets to an elven city and lives out his youth here. But because of n incident he thinks he has to leave and so he does.He becomes the leader of a band of thugs Meets a dwarf and trough some events he kind of becomes king of his own country.

He then Marries with his sister who was under the spell of this dragon, he continues to battle this dragon as it is part of the curse that has befallen his family

My opinion and other irritanting stuff
I personally this was a good story, written in Tolkien classic style. I ofcourse, read this book in a translated version in dutch but it is still in the style that tolkien intended (I compared the dutch translated version and the english version) 
A day or 2 ago, I heard the news that the story about Beren and Luthien is coming out in 2017, I have to have this book, and ofcourse I have to have this book. And here is a little fact for you guys, Hurin and Turin are relatd to Beren and Luthien. 
Hello there,

So before I do the complete review of this book I tought I would be putting together the overviews I wrote while reading this book. So here we go I guess. By the way, thisis my 100tharticle on this blog

But first I am linking all the articles here if you want to read them all apart.

Here we go with the first 5 chapters

Overview of the first 5 chapter of the children of Hurin By J.R.R Tolkien

Hello there,

So if I can be honest with you people, this is kind of an article to boost my readernumbers. So I am giving you people an overview of what I have already read in this fantastic book.

overview of the story
So, Hurin the father of Turin, at first goes to war. Against Morgoth the evil Valar and gets captured by orcs after the armies of men,dwarves and Elves gets defeated by the armies of Orcs who serve in the armies of Morgoth.
Then Turin becomes of age in the hidden city of Elves as the "son" of the local king. After a while he leaves to live in the wild like one of his famous ancestors Beren. He comes ofcourse back and almost gets him banished but by the witness account of an elven child. 
Those were the 5 chapters I've already read. here is my opinion about the chapters.
My opinion and other irritating stuff.
This book is a good read so far, and I think everyone should take a read if one is intrested in the lord of the rings or just a fan of the Tolkiens

Overview of chapters 6-11 of the children of hurin by J.r.r Tolkien

Hello there,

Yeah, I've read chapters 6-11 of this book, and I'm writing you this overview. I must say that this book is kind of weird tough.

So, Turin now still in the wild being searched By beleg joins a band of Bandits and takes the group over in chapter 6 By the next chapter that is they meat a dwarf who isn't like Thorin or Gimli. They follow him to his house and take that over asswell and now Turin is the lord of his own house.

Beleg has found him during the chapter where they meet that dwarf. And together with Turin they get betrayed by the Dwarf just cause they can.

Now Turin goes to an elven city and stays here for a bit but a dwarf takes the city over and advises Turin to go back home to his human homeland.

I think this dragon is way better than smaug who took over the lonely mountain! because he has Turin hypnotised
All the rest

Overview of chapters 12 to the last chapter of The children of Hurin

Hello there,

I have finished reading the children of Hurin, so here is the last overview of a couple of chapters. Next is all this articles together and a complete review after that.

So Turins mother and sister go together to the hidden city of the elves that kind of wait for their version of the apocalypse but they turn away to find Turin. But the dragon kinda hypnotised his sister so she wouldn't even remember her own name.

Turin goes to Brethil some kind of human lands and is accepted there once again. He finally builds up a stable live until someone comes along entirely naked and they (Turin and the random female) fall in love, marry and she is even pregnant.

Turin's curse finally catches up to him and the dragon comes after him. They fight and the dragon dies, everything should be okay from now on but his wife turns out to be the sister of 
Turin himself. she can't handle it and she kind of kills herself.

In the last chapter, Turin also finds out that she was his sister and he meets up with a couple of elves. They do something to him and so Hurinis finally released from slavery by morgoth to find his sons grave. 


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