Overview of the first 5 chapter of the children of Hurin By J.R.R Tolkien

Hello there,

So if I can be honest with you people, this is kind of an article to boost my readernumbers. So I am giving you people an overview of what I have already read in this fantastic book.


overview of the story

So, Hurin the father of Turin, at first goes to war. Against Morgoth the evil Valar and gets captured by orcs after the armies of men,dwarves and Elves gets defeated by the armies of Orcs who serve in the armies of Morgoth.

Then Turin becomes of age in the hidden city of Elves as the "son" of the local king. After a while he leaves to live in the wild like one of his famous ancestors Beren. He comes ofcourse back and almost gets him banished but by the witness account of an elven child. 

Those were the 5 chapters I've already read. here is my opinion about the chapters.

My opinion and other irritating stuff.

This book is a good read so far, and I think everyone should take a read if one is intrested in the lord of the rings or just a fan of the Tolkiens


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