In the hearth of the sea (2015 english review)

Hello there,

I came around to watch this movie (finally) I must say that before I watched this movie that I never heard of it. and I already reviewed it in my native language (dutch) but now I came around to translate that post to english!


The movie has been based on the classic book of Moby Dick, that has been published way back when animals still could talk. But now it has a big budget Hollywoodmovie in 2015 But I have to explain the movie because it has only been loosely based on the book and most people (like) me haven't read the book at all but I know the basic plot anyway!

The story starts (played by the guy who plays thor in the marvel movies) that leaves to get on a ship to hunt wailes. A whole lot of things happen, and finally we see that the crew has landen in some old spanish colony and they hear about (its actually Peru I'm sorry political correct crowd) they hear about an albino whale, that this old captain used to hunt. So our crew goes hunting this white whale. 

My opinion and other irritating stuff

I think that this movie has to many slow parts, but then there is alot of normal speed parts. (to my opinion that is) 

I also don't get that every filmmaker hires this guy who plays thor in the marvel movies for a tough guy that needs no training to become an elite medieval soldier or a guy on a whalership in the 1800's. This movie for me gets a 6/10


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