Anthropoid (2016, English review)

Hello there,

I tought this was an intresting movie when I saw a description and I decided to review it for you guys. And instead of doing like I intended of first writing the Dutch article I tought when looking at my publishing scheme I needed an english article so here we go.


So were in tsjeko slovakia during the second world war, and we follow two people (males ofcourse) during their preparation of an assassination of the local nazi head dick that ordered the exicution of thousands of locals.

We see alot of character development, the love relation of 2 of the characters and ofcourse a failed assassination attempt of so they let us thing (they show us only that he is wounded) then there is a bounty on the people who tried to kill Heinrich. and the people that help the triers will get their entire family shot.

We see our guys being tortured after the assassination attempt and the resistances get it's final stand in a church dedicated to our dear lady Maria.

My opinion and other irritating stuff

You lot may already know that I don't like slow paced movies but the thing is with this movie, that the beginning goes fast, the middle goes way to slow in my opinion and then there is a lot happening in the end. The slowness in the middle makes me want to skip parts so I sometimes miss key elements to the story and thats really irritating in my view.


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