Southpark S20E01 Memberberries

Hello there,

I'm very sorry about the delay of the english article about the first episode of the twentieth season of southpark but here it is.


There is ofcourse a new problem in the town of southpark, this time it is an internettroll who attacks the local girls on the school board on the internet. They all think that Eric Cartmen is guilty of this heinous crime! 

Almost the entire episode that has the title Memberberries revolves around the coming elections in the United states of America. The thing is that Trump has been replaced and his running mate is ofcourse caitlin jenner. He gets called the giant Douche and clinton gets called the turd sandwich. Which I actually find fitting names as I think neither of them are unfit to rule the USA. 

Because of the protest in the beginning of the episode against that internettrol the girl volleyballteam sit during the episode there is going to be a new anthem for the united states, it is exactly the same as the current anthem but it doesn't matter if one sits or stands or kneels. Ofcourse the redo of the anthem is done By JJ Abrahams.

The cliffhanger goes as follows we see the troll log in, in that school board and the camera slowly zoom out and we see the who the internettroll is. I think that this season is going to be like the last season, a whole story arch going trough the whole season instead of smaller series of episodes or episodes that are only 1 story and the next episode being a new story

Intresting stuff in this episode

  1. Cartmen is wearing a token's life matter tshirt, this is commentary on the black lives matter movement
  2. Pc prinicpal is still principal of the elementary school


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