Deliver us from evil. (2014, movie)

Hello there,

I watched this movie called Deliver us from evil from 2014. And I am going to review this movie in here!


During the war in Iraq, a group of charging soldiers find something strange in a local cave. They all go home to the united states, here all hell brakes lose and a detective takes on the case and tries to solve it.

Strange things happen back in the USA and strange discoveries happen to be made by the detective. It seems that the devil is behind all of these things that happen, a mother throws a baby in an animalenclusure in the local zoo, when the police aprehends her she looks mentally unstable but she is claimed by somebody else. The detective does not believe in the supernatural but at the end he has to admit there is more than the eye can see.

My opinion and other irritation stuff.

I'm not all for horror movies like this one very much. so one should expect (as long as this is my personal blog and not some kind of me having a company and blogging around with that company) 

But I do love movies with posessions like constantine, Tough I find the storyline behind the movie quite good, there are alot of cheap jumpscares in this movie which I don't like at all.I rather read horror than see it on a screen.

video I saw when writing this


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