The Crucifixion (2004)


I am here with another review! This time a with a religous horror movie, and it was released in the year 2004

The thing is that an american female reporter of a newspaper goes to an eastern european country because a nun died on the cross during an exorsism of a most powerfull demon because of an unlicensed exorsist.

She investigates and doesn't believe jack shit in the spiritual because of a cancer related thing issue with her mom and meets the exorcist, the family of the possesed and essentially comes full circle where she gets possed by the same demon for some unclear reason.

I Think that this movie was kind of cliche and hard a bit on the eyes. Some jumpscares but not too many so that is good in my eyes.
 I give this movie 6/10 because of to few exposition of what actually gets you possed in this universe. And  a 8 out of 10 for the use of jumscares or the lack thereoff.

And now I'm out! again!


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