Interview with Sirdeath

Hello there ,U
we are having another interviewee and this time around its sirdeath

Q:Could you introduce yourself?

A:I’m Sirdeathvids, an amateur YouTuber and huge nerd. I enjoy video games, painting models, Dungeons and Dragons, and fantasy books or TV shows like Game of Thrones. I am currently a high school student and I make all my videos on my own with basic equipment. I have a bad upload speed with my current internet plan, so for videos I am pretty much limited to single player or Local Area Network games and I cannot stream either.

Q:What do you do on youtube?
A:On YouTube my channel has two main categories, video games and hobby content. For the video games part of my channel I do Let’s Plays, montages, and sometimes commentary videos. For hobby content I paint miniatures for Warhammer or D&D and also build terrain pieces like castles or walls for the miniatures.

Q:What is the mission of the channel?

A:This is something that I actually haven’t considered because I am such a small channel, but I think my mission would involve education and entertainment. I want to entertain people through my personality in my videos and educate them on miniature painting techniques or how to build terrain for those newly painted miniatures.

Q:When did you start and what did make you start?

A:I started my channel on March 11th, 2016 but didn't post my first video until April 12th of that same year. I originally started the channel to post an entry for a Warhammer 40k terrain competition but then began to work on more videos to grow my skills. This wasn't my first channel though, I had made another one back in 2012 that focused mainly on Minecraft but I lost the password to that account or it got deleted. What got me to start YouTube in the first place was wanting to try my hand at video creation after becoming inspired by larger creators like Pewdiepie, Markiplier, and more recently Commissar Gamza or ZNA Productions.

Q:Is there a video you're especially proud of?

A:Yes, I am quite proud of some of my most recent videos. More specifically I am proud of my Multi-Game Montage and my 100 Subscriber Guide. The Multi-Game Montage is exactly what it sounds like and took a lot of time to compile all the clips and sync them to the chosen song.

The 100 Subscriber Guide is a 19 minute video that I spent extra time on recording and editing trying to make perfect, and all the extra effort payed off to make an amazing finished product.

Q:What are your goals for next year?

A:I have many goals for next year, many of which are quite achievable with enough time and hard work. My goals are: to surpass 300 subscribers, to upload consistently despite being busy with school sometimes, to edit and upload some videos that I’ve been meaning to make for a while, finish Portal 2, finish painting my Heroquest miniatures, add more content to my music channel, and to improve or optimize both of my channels.

Q:Why should people watch your channel? Anything in particular?

A:People should watch my channel because I am so unique and I've been told that I have a very soothing voice to listen to. My content has some value to my audience whether I am teaching people to paint skeletons or just playing some Skyrim. I make sure to spend time with each of my videos to edit them carefully and I put in a considerable amount of effort for each new project that I take on.


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