Harry Potter 1-3 compilation

Hello there,

Here is the compilation article about the Harry Potter movies/books/universe. In english that is, and for now this is one to three.

 Harry Potter and the socerer's stone

Hai there people!

This is the first article on this blog about a movie in the English langiage. The first review of a movie is of Harry Potter! expect many more articles about Harry Potter in the future!

The movie came out in 2001, feel old yet? I sure do! In the original article that I typed out in dutch my native language, I included the trailer for the movie but it has dissappeared from youtube.

For the people that don't know yet, Harry Potter starts by the defeat of Lord Voldemort, even better said his dissapearance. Harry himself gets abandoned on a doorstep with his uncle and aunt. He does not get treated well in here. One thing I do not understand that nobody called child protection services but anyway, lets continue He does not get mistreated by hitting but still, his nephew does get all the attention.  Hargrid still comes to get Harry on his birthday because of his hogwarts letters did not arrive at the proper person as they stole the letters.
Hargrid takes Harry off for shopping guess nobody told Harry about stranger danger.

Harry makes new friends (yay Harry finally got friends!) and becomes introduced in his new schol. He got explained the rules of the school in great detail, but guess who breaks them and gets reward for it asswell?

Those people who didn't guess Harry Potter should get their head checked? and because of his rule breaking Harry becomes the hero of the story and everyone was happy Execpt Harry as in the end (read as the end of the school year) he has to return to his aunt and uncle.

My opinion and other irritation stuff

Right now we've arrived at the section where I give to you my opinion and other irritation stuff on this film/movie. Personally, I don't find this a bad movie. But I find this to be a bit to lucky to be to lucky that everything has to do with the link between Hary and he who shall not be named.

Something irritating, the place where their train leaves is 93/4 in kings cross station. If their society is so secret from muggles, why did they place it right in the middle of one of the most visited train stations in London! If this was in the real world, and somebody saw a whole load of children suddenly dissappered into a wall and someone would not believe that it was an optical illusion and it would have been on youtube already!

Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets

Hello there!

This time I will blog about Harry potter and the chamber of secrets, as I already made a review about the first movie of this series. A while back I saw the extended edition of this movie and I must say there are some difference between the two.

With that I mean between the version released the cinema and the one I saw recently.
The link to the article of the first Harry Potter movie is here!   and I would like to finish this series of movies.

So, the storyline goes as follows (and a bit like the previous movie) We are introduced to alot of new characters and new spells and stuff. One of the most intresting new things is the new transportation method with flu powder network(in my opinion that is) I can say now that things go wrong from the start.

Now I'm going to start telling you the story, after Dobby the house elf tries to stop Harry from going to Hogwarts by smashing a cake on the fancy visitors head so that Harry's uncle puts some sort of fence in front of Harry's bedroom window (yes he got promoted). Ofcourse he gets rescued by ron and 2 of his brothers. They arrive with a flying car and they bring him to their home and he recieves a warm welcome.

By a new tric used to transport him (the flu powder, I talked about him before!) he gets stuck in the criminal version of the wizard shopping street. What I think is strange about this part is that you cannot use magic before the age of 17 away from school without you getting caught and you going tojail but they apperently can use this without a problem. 
He reaches his destination, he meets Hermoine in there and she fixes his glasses AGAIN! We go to the bookstore fast where they meet their future teacher for defence against the dark arts. This seems to be the George Clooney for the wizarding world. That guy gives his entire book series to Harry for free just because he is Harry Potter. 

A whole lot of misunderstandings happen, and almost cost alot of people their lives (but everyone surive but mainly Harry Potter himself). Also Draco his father is introduced in this movie and frees dobby with a trick. 

My opinion and other irritating stuff

My opinion about this movie is that this movie is kind off good, the acting of the children has rather improved. The quality of the movie has also improved from the first movie. Asides from the morally good decision to do the trick that freed Dobby I think this is way to simple.
One already sees the future theme of good vs evil, in the terms of evil ideology in racial superiority versus not being obnoxius starts to take off in this movie, we got a soft introduction in the previous movie.

This is also the last movie in the series that is kind of aimed at children, the next movie is going to be more adult but nevertheless still going to be a bit for children. Like adolecents

Hello there,

this is some kind of review about Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban, I have other more recent movies lined up for translation into english but this one has been waiting for longer so I tought htat I would be typing it out now while watching Warcraft.

Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban


The third movie in this series of movies starts like the usual, with Harry spending summer with his aunt and uncle. We view how harry uses magic for the second time as he inflates his aunt, effectively she becomes a balloon. Pressing him to leave the house, and summoning the wizards version of public transport by accident.

He meets the minister of magic but he does not get scolded for his use of magic out of school like he should be.and he doesn't have to go to azkaban and isn't expelled from hogwarts. Arrived at the leaky couldron he meets Ron, the rest of the Weasely's and ofcourse Hermione. 

They go to hogwarts after Harry has been given a stern warning not to seek out sirius black, at this moment they think that Sirius will try to kill Harry. They explain that sirius betrayed his parents to he who shall not be named! 

A reasonable normal school year passes and he finally meets sirius after what you Americans call teen angst, after all of this they finally get to meet sirius. By the way ron's rat was some guy called peter pettigrew. The gang and some others like the new teacher and some other teacher (not saying his name otherwise you'll know its snape) and it also turns out that the new teacher is a werewolf.

My opinion and other irritating stuff

Like I said, this is not your typical movie aimed at chilren anymore that is live action but this is more of a movie aimed at adolecents and older folks, it deals with time travel and it does have holes in it I don't care to explain. There are enough internetfolks around already, that explain everything in detail I don't need to become a part of that crowd at this stage.

What I tought about what was good in this movie was that we finally got to see more of the background story inside the magical world and what was basically the magical version of the first world war in the magical world and what it ment for the Potter's and how Harry's parents were targeted (altough not yet the complete story as of yet) We know that sirius did not betray the potters and stuff.

We do know however that sirius was falsy imprisoned for the murder of the pet of ron weasly wh turns out to be a human being that is loyal to voldemort out of fear.


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