Lord of the rings, movie and book comparison chapter by chapter; A long expected party.

Written by, an amateurish writer

I've been long avoiding wrting about this masterwork and absolute massive literary work because I didn't quite find the format for me to write in an intelligent way about it. 
Being afraid not to pay this respect it deserves from a person that loves this work as much as his own dear life. It has breathed life in the fantasy genre like no other book ever did. Massive shout out to JRR Tolkien for devoting his entire life to this book, at least his free time and passing the same passion for his work to christopher tolkien who has pityfully allowed the hobbit movies to be made. They're a shame.

I'm not going to give any opinions or something like that I just want to write a comparison of my own. Because I would like to have that of my own and stuff. We have a long journey in front of us.

The fellowship of the ring

A long expected party.

The most important change to the beginnings of both mediums is the opening. In the book we directly go to the party preparations for Bilbo's birthday and the party itself. In the book, Frodo knows that Bilbo is going to use the ring to disappear and leave, but suspects that it was a joke Bilbo is playing on him or he might regret the decision and remain in the shire.

In the movie, we begin with the battle of the last alliance, where sauron loses the ring and we get the narration on how the ring was conquered by man (Isildur) and then was lost again, not paying any attention on how it was found again. And only then after the narration sequence we get to the party.
There we have pretty much everything going to the same lines. The speech is the same, there is splendid fireworks but in the book, merry and pippin don't serve as the comic relief for the opening of the storyline and introducing of them. This change was kind of necessary because of the heavy opening narration and to lighten the mood somewhat after the somber opening. This change is kind of acceptable in my opinion. Also Gandalf disappears as quickly in the book and the movie.

Something that is skipped in the movie that appeared in the book, is the complete chaos and scramble for bilbo's inheritance. He labeled everything and anything to who it should go and so forth causing the entire shire to descend upon bag end and claim whatever they can take their hands on. Here is where we get to see meriadoc for the first time. Related to Frodo via Bilbo! He helps around the place to make sure frodo gets some rest and to make sure the house doesn't get robbed blindly.
Thats the entire chapter summarized


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