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Posts uit januari, 2019 tonen

Homophobic Heckler Owned - Steve Hofstetter


The church of dead girls: part three

Hello there, here I am doing a review thing on the third part of this book, and yes I found catch 22 and continued reading it again. Because I have finished this book and ofcourse I will reviewing this book very soon on it's completeness.

The church of dead girls Part 1 and part 2 together

Hey there, You all know the drill by now, I combine articles about the same subject or that vaguely fit together and give you guys a large combination article!

Passengers (2016), my review

So this movie starring chris prat and Jennifer Lawrence came out in 2016 and it is finally on netflix so I watched it, it was long on my list to watch so I finally watched it and I am ready to review it for this blog. I actually watched this movie in 2018 and only got time just now to type the review out completly, I hope you enjoy it!

Happy new year!

I wish you all a happy and healthy New year from my laptop in europe! also WHOOHOO! FIRST ARTICLE PUBLISHED IN 2019!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!8888