Interview with TheChaoticVideoGamer

Hello there,

Today I have the honour to present to you the interview I did with a youtuber Called  TheChaoticVideoGamer! you can read the entire interview below!

Q:Could you introduce yourself?

A:My name is Kyle, I am a 22 year old who was diagnosed with Asperger’s 10 months ago. My YouTube channel name is TheChaoticVideoGamer

Q:What do you do on youtube?

A:I am a member of the gaming community; however, I was originally a Lego/Mega Bloks set reviewer; then re-branded to a Dungeons & Dragons YouTuber; but that sank extremely quickly, as I had no-one to record with and had no-where to record; e.g. my own studio.

I also was co-running a tabletop gaming channel; that was called EpicWargamingEmporium.

Q:What is the mission of the channel?

A:This is somewhat a difficult question; as I always considered my YouTube Channel to be a hobby, especially, creating the videos (I studied Graphic Design for four years at college).

Q:When did you start and what did make you start?

A:I started my current channel last July, however as I mentioned earlier in this interview, I had a Lego/Mega Bloks review channel; I started that when I was 17.

I started YouTube as a way to pass the time and I always knew that it would be difficult to get myself noticed and gather the subscriber numbers akin to JackSepticEye or Markiplier.

I have stuck with my gaming channel since 8th of July 2017 and have been doing that ever since.

Q:Is there a video you're especially proud of?

A:I’d say that my top ten weapons of Killing Floor 2 countdown video; this was one of my first times doing countdown videos. This was my longest solo project to date, i.e. not related to a playthrough

Q:What are your goals for next year?

A:Honestly, 50 or 100 subs. I’ve already hit 100 videos(which I considered to be a huge personal goal; as it was more of a personal statement to myself; being that I will not give up or step away).

Q:Why should people watch your channel? Anything in particular?

A:I consider myself to be an original YouTuber; in the sense that I do not cover games I personally do not like, Fortnite and Fifa are the biggest examples (I have never liked a Fifa game and I played Fortnite once last September and swiftly deleted it after my first game).

I use the games I like to play or games I would personally add to my PS4 library (examples are Devil May Cry HD Collection; I had this on my xBox 360, Devil May Cry 4, Dissidia Final Fantasy NT, Grand Theft Auto V and Soul Calibur VI; I enjoyed playing Soul Calibur games on previous platforms).

I pride myself on always doing live commentary videos. Paladins and Killing Floor 2 have indicators of headset users on the left hand side of the screen. The indicators appear if someone is using a headset/microphone during a game/match


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