Christine the movie adaptation (1983)

So yeah I've found this movie in the library on netflix and I watched it and here is my review of this movie from the eighties.

This movie takes place from mid 1979 to januari 1980 and is about a highschooler, that belongs to the nerd group of these high school classifications. He has a friend that is one of the jocks and he dtives him to school and what not. They're both going for being a car mechanic and ofcourse the nerd has bullies.

Everything goes as normal until they drive home one day and the nerd sees a wrecked car in someone's back yard that is for sale. This changes everything as now they go up there and the nerd buys the car for 250 dollars. Without asking permission from his parents (who ofcourse object to having it).

The nerd rebuilds the car and he becomes a jock asswell and scores the popular girl that is kind of considered the hottest girl in school. The bullies from eirlier destroyed the car and after the hot girl and the now jock go to this car cinema. This drives our mad guy even madder and goes even more on a rampage going crazy and this is where the hot girl and the best friend hatch a plan to destroy the car because it is clearly haunted and stuff.

They are ofcourse succesfull but the owner of the car died. In a tragic end . There was some police intervention coming trough the movie but it is kind of strange that at the end of this movie that the police is just okay with the ending of this all and with all the murders the owner of the car did and they just okay with everything? Case closed? WTF?

My opinion about this movie is that I think the movie skipped alot out of the movie from adapting it from the book I haven't read the book yet but it seems so based on the pace of the storyline and the runtime of the movie. I give this movie a 6,5/10 carparts.


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