Django unchained

This movie, is quite the erm how shall I put it? It is like inglorius bastards, showing serious histry but with a fun twist with this story that did noth appen in reality or I would have known about it as an amateur historybuff. And yes finally again some original content on the blog!

The movie starts with slaves walking and their owners going from the slave market to an unknown place when out of nowhere in the opposite direction a card with a giant tooth on the roof comes out.This cart belongs to a german dentist who is searching for one of the slaves in the possesion of one of those 2 pesky white guys.

He wants him because he knows the people, that the dentist is hunting for the bounty on their heads so he offers them money for Django but they refuse and aim their guns for our german dentist that turned out to be a bounty hunter in the southern states of the US of A! But ofcourse the negiotiations go wrong and our dentist has to shoot the slave drivers and the dentist set the slaves free and they have gotten the chance to kill one of the slavers and ofcourse they do in the most violent way possible.

The German dentist explains to django in a pub where they aren't welcome because you know Django is black. So the german tells the barkeep to get the sherrif first and while this is happening we get character exposition and it is revealed that django is married to a female slave that was also sold off and marked as a runaway slave.

After the sherrif arrived, the german shoots him and tells the barkeep to get the marshall and revealed that he is a wanted criminal and that the marshal owes him 200 dollars. He further makes Django an offer he can't refuse. Namely work with him as a free man, get payed and recover his wife.

This happens and after the winter they track his wife don to a plantation called candieland, where they execute a plan to trick the plantationowner into selling them a slave that they use for a form of cockfightning I wont go into detail, as for what that practice is or what it ends in but let me say they try to buy this slave for a whole lot of money to destract the owner so they can buy Django's wife for dirt cheap in comparison. But things go south and north again with the movie ending on a sad tough happy ending in one and the same time.

My opinion is, that besides it taking place about one of the saddest parts in human history this movie can and gets away with making fun of it by portraying the slave masters as a bunch of morons but also kind of making a serious undertone in it. in questioning why this could all happen. But fear and pain do alot to people provide a means to supress your fellow man. I give this movie 8/10,


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