Interview with Randomguy9001

Hello there,
This is an interview I accidently skipped over, so I am publishing it now and I hope you enjoy it!

Could you introduce yourself?
My name is Random, and I currently run a YouTube channel. I am a first-year university student living in Canada, and have decided to take on YouTube as a hobby. I am studying Computer Science and Math currently. I have begun to make music for smaller video games and other content creators since I can play the piano very effectively and am learning the guitar. What do you do on youtube? I create let’s plays of video games (original right?) but I try to add my own unique flair with my commentary. I don’t really play a particular genre of game, just whatever I’m interested in. I am currently playing through Life is Strange, Remember Me, and some online multiplayer games like Rocket League and The Elder Scrolls: Legends.
 What is the mission of the channel?
  I want to have a good time, and share that with my fellow gamers. I also love to try to learn about the worlds that my games take place in to give the viewer a more immersive experience. When did you start and what did make you start? Okay listen, I started a long time ago. We’re talking when I was like 12-13 type age. You know what kind of videos I made? Minecraft videos. I made Minecraft videos. Listen, alright, I enjoyed it and got better at my commentary (please don’t judge too hard). When Minecraft became boring, I stopped YouTube for a while. Just recently (November 2017), I decided to start fresh and really commit to it. I started fresh because I had some extra free time that I normally spend doing literally nothing, so I would rather make YouTube videos and maybe share some good times with others.

Is there a video you're especially proud of?

I usually make series of videos, not just a single one so I’d say my favourite series is Remember Me, the story is totally immersive and the fighting mechanics are so satisfying. I actually tend to have better commentary as I go through the game because of how much I enjoy it. I am also in the process of creating a Rocket League Montage, and I am hyped for that, so I think that video will take the place of my most proud video.

What are your goals for next year?
I’m not too concerned with goals, I’m doing this for fun and don’t really care too much about how popular I am. That being said, reaching 100 subscribers this year would be something to be proud of. I am currently at 50, but a lot of those subscribers are left over from my Minecraft days, so they will probably unsubscribe. I would honestly be happy with any level of growth.

 Why should people watch your channel? Anything in particular? 

I try to really get immersed in the world and story of the games I play while still making jokes and generally having a good time. A lot of gaming channels these days are just funny moments or montages, but I personally want to experience a story, and enjoy a game for all it has to offer. For example, the game Remember Me has a bunch of side items that document the world around you. They have interesting tidbits about landmarks, or people, or major events that led to the world the game takes place in. I collect as many as I can, and in a separate series I read through them all to give my viewers the option to experience the entire world that the developers have created instead of just scratching the surface with the main story.


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