The maze runner (2014)

So, I've watched this movie just because I could and I tought that this movie came out long enough so I could take it out of my to watch list that is quite long at the moment and I have to do something about it and ofcourse, review it on this blog to keep a journal of some sorts of all the media I have consumed that have some significance.

So this movie has a strange concept, I am sure many of you have watched it in theathres when it came out and in the years following it, don't hold it against me that I haven't watched it before, and that as of writing this haven't watched the sequel to this movie asswell. I am sure this movieseries has a following around the globe, that obsess with the trails and what and how as I also think this is appealing, cause who doesn't want to know what the actual fuck is going on with these people? I mean you get locked up in some kind of tribal paradise surrounded by a maze? (hence the title by the way! The title was an obvious giveaway!)

Our story begins, better said the story we are shown trough the movie kicks off when a random guy gets transported by some kind of good elevator to this tribal paradise, the guy doesn't even know his own name, after a party that seems to be inspired by that rave in the matrix movies but with less electronic music might I add real quick. He remembers his own name by getting hit in the head several times in this competition styled brawl and off we go, he saves one of the mazerunner's arses by running into the maze (which ofcourse is against the rules of this village cause he isn't a mazerunner you know! After which this guy from narnia is going nuts because of this little violation of the rules and wants him imprisoned.

This ofcourse doesn't happen and he becomes an official mazerunner and runs the maze several times killing a griever and because of this, solves the mystery of the maze, but because of movie magic ofcourse this doesn't happen instantly, and a month passes (the elevator comes up once every month) but this time there comes a girl in that elevator with a note that says this is the last one ever! So everything goes on as normal with some hightned tensions in the camp, some of the boys have never seen a girl before and like her go batshit crazy and shit!

But together they solve this mystery and after a bit the camp gets attacked as they discover a possible exit to the maze and neary everyone gets killed so the boss guy who I mentioned early does get Thomas imprisoned and an uprising happens where they take of and get the fuck out of the maze, it is here were a couple of plot twist happen and it is revealed that there was an organisation running the show that is saying we locked you up because it is the end of the world y'all and there was a virus and shit!

But then we cut back to the people leaving the vault and shoo the ending where it is revealed that there is going to be a sequel to this movie

My opinion about this movie is that I like the entire Idea, but not the memmory loss. I like that there are a couple of plot twists at the end of the movie, I could kind of have seen coming but they took it by surprise. But in all honesty if the movie just ended on the people leaving the vaults into the sunlight or something I can honestly say I would have been dissappointed by the lack of a definitive ending. I'd liked it if they all get killed, or we get a double as long of a goddamned movie and they try to put everything behind them, but I don't know what the sequel will bring to me but it was revealed that this story in this movie was only test number 1 of at least 2. I don't know what happened to this series after the sequels man! I give this movie a 7,5/10 grievers!


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