Jigsaw (2017) review

As a fan of the original movie the first one that came out so many years ago I must say that this isn't it just as many said during the original run of rhe movie series, they only got worse as the number behind the title increased

We basically have 2 storylines in this movie one that happened 10 years before the original movie, where a couple of contestants are abducted and have to go trough a series of tests and explains why John cramer couldn't get his briantumor properly treated besides the insurance broker deciding he could not get that experimental treatment (its because an intern switched up the xrays, not letting it be detected on time)

This is when he (john Cramer) began his wroth on the world but then again we have this second plot line which the movie doesn't fully hint to properly and that is that he has a follower that he saved the intern that switched up the xrays in the first place. And that he is going to continue to do this.

The problem is the combination between the 2 storylines in my view as there are games going on and there is confusion that John Cramer might actually have escaped death and things that shouldn't have been happening. And there is an active investigation is going on which results in the finishment in the games of the movie and it is actually quite funny that this movie tries to pull off the same trick as the first movie hinting at another sequel. I literally laughed quite hard.

My opinion about this movie is like the opinion of many many others that this movie is just a mindless cashgrab by trying to revive this movieseries that died after the third movie in my opinion. Due tough the bad mixtures of the several storylines in this movie it lacks seriousness which this series lost during its original run I give this movie a 2/10!


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