Interview with Domonero

This is also, an interview with a youtuber, I have every intention of continueing this series because it is going very well for the blog in terms of readers and traffic. Also these are easy articles for me tough and I help others out with it.

Could you introduce yourself?

Hi, I'm Domonero but my friends call me Dom. I'm 21 years old & run a small gaming channel. I've been running it on & off since I was in middle school & I'm in 4th year college right now.

What do you do on youtube?

Its a gaming channel that primarily focuses on a variety of videos I enjoy doing but I believe the ones that get the best response would be my videos centered on funny moments between me & my friends. I add subtitles & the fanciest editing I can muster to them, for me, my friends, & the world to enjoy. It's called "Domonero's Funtage." The other types of videos I have are either commentaries, montages, or a random edit of something such as a movie clip that I thought would be cool.

What is the mission of the channel?

To entertain myself, others, & immortalize the best moments I can through videos throughout my gaming. Also helps me flex my hobby as an editor.

When did you start and what did make you start?

I want to say about 6-7 years ago if I recall correctly. What made me start was how much I appreciated my friends online whom I've grown up with over the years literally over the mic. As a middle schooler, to be honest I didn't have as many friends or close ones for the matter but online I met a group who I became closer to than some of my relatives honestly. We all loved gaming & did everything together. I've also always loved movies. In particular, editing. I took a film class in middle school that got me started with learning how to edit videos such as iMovie & from then on I switched to Final Cut Pro X. I used these videos to help me practice them both & developed a greater appreciation for the film industry & youtubers I've looked up to over the years.

My main inspiration was NobodyEpic's style of editing. He & the "crew" all had great moments but without him, those moments would've never been complied & lost forever. Among my friends, I've always wanted a way to compile such moments so that we can always remember them & look back on it someday so that's exactly what I did. Every time I made a new video starring them, we always grouped up in a party to watch them together & had a great night because of it. One of them even tried starting a channel of his own & I hoped that over time, the rest would follow but although they didn't, we still play/talk with each other to this day on PS4 or Discord.

Is there a video you're especially proud of?

Hmm I would say in terms of hard work paid off, all my Funtages & how they've progressed in quality over the years in my opinion especially as an editor. In terms of views, my Ip Man edit or the GTA Roller Coaster IRL comparison video I made in Santa Monica because I haven't seen anyone else on YouTube do that before. They reached 1-3K views on their own & it just makes me feel glad knowing that many people have seen my name clicked on in their browser out of their own free will.

What are your goals for next year?

To post more. My biggest flaw is that I take forever to post due to schoolwork. I used to be able to post so much in middle school/high school but nowadays as a civil engineering major, it's tough as hell & can only edit during vacation breaks but I get so fixated on making it as OCD perfect as I can, that it takes even longer. I really hope to find a balance between school & Youtube someday soon.

Why should people watch your channel? Anything in particular?

I believe they should watch it just simply to have a good time if they need one. If they laugh as hard as we did, then I did my job & I hope I made their day, as much as the actual moment made mine.

In particular i would say the Funtages. I've been told my IRL Unboxing videos are a gem as well but that's mostly my sarcastic editing humor which I didn't think would turn out so well received haha 


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