Inferno by Dan Brown review

Hello there,
This is the complete review of this book, and there is another complete edition on this with the notes ofcourse. But now I will review it

Robert Langdon, finds himself in a hospital with amnesia and a shotwound and the only english speaking doctor is called in to talk to him and there is some misunderstanding but nothing is what it seems ofcourse like with any mystery novel.

A hitman comes to kill Langdon, kills a doctor and Sienna Brooks and Langdon escape the hospital, they seem to be good at running but the goverment and the hitman (who is actually a woman) are seemingly still after them and they go on a runn starting in florence going to florence and ending in Istanbul.

Along the way more and more is revealed about the consortium a kind of organisation that provides alibi's to rich clients. This time they're working for a doctor called Zobrist but they don't know what he is planning (neither do we for the full extent but thats besides the point) who is obsessed with dante's inferno and is severely against the growth of the population as it is.

So he (Zobrist) comes up with a plan to reduce the population and even threathens the WHO to help in that doesn't work at all. So the guy goes rogue and creates a virus. This virus drives the entire plot as it drives the hunt to undo the dangers of this virus Zobrist has created.

Bit by bit more and more of the scheming by the consortium is revealed and they start working together with Langdon (they actually abducted him to keep an eye on him) placing them even further in the grey area as they aren't the original bad guys just helping the and now they are on the good side of things.

Going to the aya sophia they find out that they're already to late but fear not the virus is not deadly and Sienna was in Zobrist camp for some reason as she was kind of in love with him and the two were lovers for a while. Sienna reveals the true nature the virus, it makes people infertile instead of killing them outright. And Zobrist had set the magic number of people on 1/3,

My opinion about this book is that it seems to be that the author has a fear of overpopulation and that it will create a kind of hell on earth for the people living here and that he is outing his own personal fears trough his work. His characters are seemingly either for it or wanting to start the deate on either it is ethical or not to make people randomly infertile. And it is not willingly to the people, nobody can choose who and when. I don't think that this virus would be in need of making at all in my opinion as studies have shown that the level of education has an impact on the amount children couples have together with smart policies this has the same effect on population control without hindering anyones potential of happiness as for some people even the potential of having children is a way to achieve happiness. As much as it is a form of social rules that one has to have children to achieve a complete life. I give this movie a 7 out of ten as it kept me on my toes for the entirety of me reading the book.


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