Okay lads, this is my first commisioned book I've ever had the honour of reviewing on this blog so I'm thrilled. I didn't get payed to give a good review so I'm giving my own opinion about it which is brutally honest. And yes, this intro made it past Doug. (yes were on a first name basis now)
The return of the shirt Story this text contains spoilers for this episode! The story starts with Ted finding a shirt that he wasn't into before, he realises that his tastes have changed a bit. He goes to the bar, and it is usual business. Talks about how his taste has changed. The first word that comes out of Barney's mouth, is Booger. He is trying to convince Robin to say that word on live television, but Robin denies him because her boss might promote her to some more important reporting, but Barney tries and tries again! Ted says it is time to get some second impressions, go to the town he once visited and didn't like because it was raining that day (drinks some bourbon that was already standing there). Marshall tries to convince him to watch Gooney's again. He also wants to revisit an ex girlfreind, Barney makes some sexist remark about revisiting an ex girlfreind. The group starts recounting "ted's greatest hits" and desides to...
So this movie starring chris prat and Jennifer Lawrence came out in 2016 and it is finally on netflix so I watched it, it was long on my list to watch so I finally watched it and I am ready to review it for this blog. I actually watched this movie in 2018 and only got time just now to type the review out completly, I hope you enjoy it!
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