Eragon (2006) a review

In a world where dragons fly arounf sounds fantastic right? Well in this world they've kinda been wiped out but there is one egg remaining and it just found its rider!

In this world like I said, dragons exist but there was a conflict before the actual story starts, resulting in the dictatorial rule of some kind of demonic king and his evil underlings. Then we cut to the actual story where some sort of princess (not actually revealed that she is princess but I just call her a princess) chased in the forest for some kind of stone, seconds before getting captured she teleports away to somewhere else

this is where Eragon, is in some forest that is owned by the king to hunt and shoots at a deer but hits the tree instead because the stone just appeared. In front of our would be hero. Ofcourse he takes it home and at first tries to barter it for some precious meat but once he reveals for the butcher that it was poached from the kings land he doesn't want it so he takes it home to his farm where he lives with his uncle and his cousin.

We get some drama and exposition on the farm and after a couple of real life minutes (not in movie time) the cousin decides to leave because he does not want to serve in the kings army and dissapears out of the story (maybe he is/was ment to appear in the sequel). After this family drama the egg hatches and a dragon comes out of the egg (surprise surprise, the stone is an egg) Eragon hears a story a bit later about dragons and dragon riders and learns his dragon how to fly and for some reason this speeds up her growing proces for a reason and this guy who told the story comes pick him up after his magic sword glows red because of the nearbtness of the dragon.
They go train while going trough the lands of the only people still opposing the king. And ofcourse they need to save the princess from the first minutes of the movie first before going to the rebel forces and aid them now the dragon riders are back!

Ofcourse this kills the elder dragonrider (the guide at the tavern was a dragonrider whose dragon had been killed with the sword that he is now carrying) but now Eragon and the princess are now on their way to the rebels where they fight the king and ofcourse defeat the armies of the king for the first time and now is the time to gather the peoples who want to be free and get rid of the dictator king.

My opinion about this movie is that it is a good fantasy movie, but it is clearly made for children and not for the enjoyment of adults. I don't think there shouldn't be good childrens movies on the contrary there should be many of them. But the thing is there are so few good adult movies, I dont mean porn by the way but where the movie is of such a cent quality that a person with good taste can enjoy it and not only when they're a child but also when they are of age and seeing that movie for the first time ever.


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