Before I review and see the sequel to the maze runner.

I need to do this article, before I even see the sequel to the mazerunner. This will just be a couple of paragraphs because I do have questions that I would like to point out and I will prolly also look up some answer if I can look them up (and if there is even a dedicated wiki in here)

It is explained that the world happened. Kind of but I don't know if I can trust the scource but there is an organisation that runs the show. We don't get to see what or who started this, all we know that this show was running for three years before Thomas, our main guy comes into to show.

(Answering the paragraph) The maze is a test created by Wicked, an organisation that started after the apolypse. You can find the wikia article here in full for this thing. Apparently there is a wikia page for it.

What the hell is going on? We are dumped in here, without explenation we know as little or as much as the characters going trough the maze themselves. Why are they here? What is the actual purpose of the maze?

(answering the question) the thing that was shown in the ending of the movie was right, there was a video shown to the runners that said there was a literall disease going about on earth after the apocalypse happened and they're being tested for an unknown reason for me aswell now that I have researched it
The link to the wikia article, is down below

During my “research”, I also encountered spoilers, so I kind of have to watch the sequel to get some more answers and some more questions before I do this kind of articles again. First I will combine the original article with this and post it and after that I will post a review on the sequel! I am looking forward to your reaction!


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