we were soldiers (2002)

This is a movie about this war that happened in the the sixties, the vietnam war. The america story happens after the intro. The story starts during the de colonization effort by the vietnamese after the second world war

and basically explains how the vietcong was formed in its early days of the organisation but not in greatdetail mind you this is still an american war movie not a french one.
So we start the "real" story in the states after a powerfull quote from the commander of the vietcong to kill them all (french soldiers) until they stop coming to vietnam. An experienced soldier who is daring and does whatever he is asked to do, like testing experimental parachutes and stuff so he is commanded to come over to this random army base to train and organize his own regiment in the helicopter department. In the new hit and run tacticts from the american army that kind of defined the vietnam war for the americans and the vietcong, nicknaming these soldiers the helicopter soldiers.
We se these men training until they have to get shipped out and our officer who is the main guy portraied by Mel Gibson is made the leader of the reformed 7th cav. The same regiment general custer was in and got his arse kicked by the native americans back in the day the USA were still manifesting destiny and stuff. they get shipped out soon after the announcement and this is where they get into trouble. The main base is attacked and they counterattack after the defense is done and go out to kick some vietnamese ass!
This is where the lead up was going for a big battle where the american troops get outflanked and lose there landingspot to the vietcong and makes them effectivly stuck. No way to escape the americans make their last stand defeating wave after wave of vietcong attacks while the people at him get the news of fallen soldiers by taxi.
Eventually ofcourse they go for a bayonet charge and this is where they come out victorius ofcourse, I don't know if this is what really happened as this movie is BASED on real events and not neccesary a portrail of the actual real events of what happened those days!

Tough I think that this movie has a great division of what war is for soldiers and at home, what it is for the family who stay hom it is only for the american side and I would like to see a movie that tells a story from the perspective from both sides of the conflict and not from the superpower that was involved. As we all know the victors write history, but in this case it is the loser trying to write history and we all think or tought that the americans won the war, but this is simply not the case as the vietcong won that war under the pressure of the American public. I also think that this glorifies the US a little to much. I will give this movie a 6/10


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