Kingsman: The Golden Circle (2017)

Finally, I have finally watched this movie and I liked it

The story begins as normal, the kingsman going about their normal lives but no training this time no new members were needed afterall. isby or something? has a girlfriend as in the princes of some scandinavian country that was kidnapped in the last movie by this maniac.
Everything goes on as normal but they are investigating this drug cartel which has apparently a monopoly on nearly all illigal drug trade in the entire world and they're led by a female this time and they are called the golden circle and they all get tatoo's in the form of you guessed it the golden circle.
So the investigation goes forward little by little, and the normal lives go on and on asswell and  igsby and his girlfriend go on dinner with her parents the king and the queen  and one of igsby friend's is watching his dog from the last movie because there is noone that can protect the dog. This is where everything goes wrong on several levels, the Kingsman get bombed and almost everyone is dead execpt for Merlin and Igsby, the first one survived because his adress wasn't on the list and the second one because he was on a date with his girlfriend
So, they initiate the doomsday protocol and they find out that there is a similar organisation in the states called Statesman. and they go there and find the guy that got shot at the end of the previous movie without his memory of Kingsman and his memory of being in the army and they have to restore his memory which fails miserably at first.
they keep researching the golden circle. All the while nothing really nothing noteworthy until that one guy his memory got restored and now they take on the golden circle themselves because apperently they caused a disease worldwide against the drugusers so the us president (and only him) would legelise all drugs so the female mob leader could get out of hiding. After all this is a hollywood movie the us president does nothing at all for once and he wants to end the war on drugs in his term once and for all and sees this opportunity to do so.
Some but why is inserted here but the person who does this is imprisoned anyway after she got the bleu veins. Some shooting happens and exposition, like the guy who got saved Bt Statesmen still hallucinates butterflies. But then they invade the drugthing layer and save elton john in the process but Merlin dies and makes his death usefull by killing all the guards so the Gullahans can walking in at first and save the world.
this one is for Merlin, watch the movie and you'll understand

I think this movie is kind of a good movie it doesn't take itself and world politics to seriously and brings over a couple of good messages like the previous movie. It never gets stale, but I got my dose of Kingsmen for this Year to be honest. I give this movie 9/10


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