The Mist episode 1-5

So, here we go again an overview of the episodes I watched of the mist.

The mist episode one: pilot my review

Hello there,
I am watching this show adapted from stephen king's work, the book has the same name, and it has been adapted by netflix and put up on their videoplatform
For any reason I will keep watching the show until I have finished it!

Now because shows like this have a messy timeline I will chop up the storylines in parts and when 2 storylines come together I will say that they come together in the point where  they come together, like storyline a comes accross storyline B I will state that they will come together in storyline B or at least I will try this. And ofcourse, I will give you my opinion about the episode
(after writing this article, I realized this wasn't needed as I could explain the plot without this!!)

So, right from the start we begin (as usual), we see a black US soldier wxaking up randomly in a forest with a dog next to him. He doesn't recal who he is or where he comes from or if this random dog is his. But he gets his name tag and reads it, then he finds a wallet on his person and assume its his (we don't get any reason of why it would be otherwise anyway) he starts petting the dog and the dog starts barking at something that appears for the person (the soldier) to be nothing and he starts chasing the dog. Whom has entered attack mode. the soldier soon starts running into a very dense mist and he finds his dog skinned alive in one of the trees. after which he runs to the closest town on foot but running which he can find, with good intentions he goes to the local police station and promptly gets arrested because they think he has taken drugs

After the intro, we meet a teacher that is getting fired because she has taught the kids more than what was in the curriculum required by the school board and parents have complained so much that they now have to fire her. the story focusses on her and her family now for a bit and her family, turns out she has a husband and a daughter, ofcourse the daughter goes to highschool and her husband is the good guy in the eyes of the daughter and the woman always says no because she knows better and doesn't want her daughter to become a slut or something.

they go together to a highschool football game which is also the location where some of the other main characters get introduced, we also get the information that the town is a small rural town (In the united states of America ofcourse) and the main police officer's son is the quarterback of the team and he invites her to the victory party at night, her mother ofcourse says no, to which the father protests after they got back home and there is some bickering between the parents

the 16 year old daughter is being sad in her own little girlsroom in their wooden american house, and here is where the father comes into her room and says she can go but can't drink any alcohol. This is where someone drugs her rapes her and the next morning it seems at first that she isn't home but she is in the garden, where she confesses what had happened the night before. They go to the police and ofcourse, the investigation starts to what happens, but the mist is going to hit!
And boy do they see it coming!

By all means, I can wait to see the episode but I won't I will continue watching thes series adapting the mist on Netflix, No I am not sponsered by netflix but I will continue watching it I give this episode 6,5 out of 10 banana peels because the storyline and suspence seem slippery

The mist Episode 2 withdrawal

so, I have forgotten a character that has become character, I mean I didn't know she would become important. I mean, she was in jail with the black soldier from before but she didn't seem that important....

So basically the plot of this episode is kind of everyone panicing and seeking refuge in someway or another, some in a church others in the mall like the 2 female people that was major in the first episode are locked in the mall with a bunch of other people.
The husband is locked up in the policedepartment but escapes after the policeman has abandoned them, he frees the 2 prisoners together with the good friend of his daughter they escape, survive a carjacking attempt but did a carcrash, a bit later.

They all survive but they're not at their destination, the mall, but close to the church where another group of paniced people are hiding. So the episode is also mainly about investigation and stuff both groups in focus here know what is actually happening.
In the mall, the people draw something with a name on and that person, has to go in the mistinfected hallway. and the mother had to go, she goes trough the hallway with the mist and try the radio with this mysterious volunteer and he knows how to operate the radio that has been installed in major public things in the states since 9/11 and she gets afraid of this guy and tries to run away so badly that she has to kill him just to survive.

That is basically the plot of the episode as there doesn't happen much more than this. We still don't know, what is actually happening in this town which I think is great and so hard Stephen King but I think that it is still a bit to early to say oh my this is so much Stepehen King, but it is still a good series I think that this episode would be to boring for the first episode but it goes as a second episode it does fine as it settles the story a bit down and lights the parts the "investigations" quite well. I give this episode 7/10 yawns as I typed this out late at night and stuff.

The mist episode episode 3 show and tell

So, there are again 2 plot lines, 1 in the church and 1 in the mall, and both are quite different but not in a way that are still a bit the same in the basic line.

In the church there is basically nothing going on execpt a couple of talking where the cop gets assaulted after calling our guy's wife a slut and stuff (the backstory is in the series not that well discovered) moments. Until a female the hippie neighbour of the focus group of people wants to go outside, and the hardened criminal in the group goes with her to actually stop her. The thing in the mist has like seen before the form of insects and one flies into the crimal's ear and makes him into some kind of butterfly angel where loads of other insects spawn out of him and dies in a matter of seconds.

Seemingly the priest (still talking about the group in the church here) has an influence on the best friend of our main guy's focus and since the father, our main guy, is now locked up in the basement together with the soldier and the other prisoner, the best friend steals the pastor's keys to the church after getting baptised by him because he is a sinner and so on and on, towards the end of the episode they go outside to go to the mall where they intent to meet up with their families and stuff.

Now about the mall, in the mall 2 of the undercover soldiers have hanged themselves in the bathroom and they have to be removed by the staf and being locked up in the freezer room to keep their bodies good so they don't start to decompose. Still thinking the us military might have had something to do with it they search everyone on dogtags and they find a private who knows of nothing. Then 2 people who own a video game store have a fight with the manager and they get the bodies of the soldiers out of the freezers and throw them out of the building to see what happens (in carts ofcourse) they get caught after awhile without any warning to us the viewer.

I haven't written anything about our main females in this story in this episode and that is because they kind of start their seperate group in the mall, the daughter wants to move and so they do. The mother goes and fetches food from foodstores while daughter goes to getch blankets to use during the night. In the blanket store she comes accros the guy who she claims raped her during the party in the first episode and he tells her his version of what happens, he claims that he only did carry her upstairs and put her under a blanket after getting rid of her shoes. If I recall correctly she said she was covered in blood when she woke up again. Her best friend tells them he saw everything while the accused rapist says that he past out. Knowing stephen king I wouldn't be surprised that this event is in some way related to the mist and being the cause of it like in carrie that she has supernatural powers and so on and so on.

I think that this episode was kind of confusing as there wasn't really happening anything in the story but at the same time there was a load of things happening to the groups at the same time. Maube it is just that I am way to used to watching constant action rather than character development and being thrown into a story rather than watch it unfold before my very eyes. I give this episode 6,5 groans out of 10 because like this was according to me a what the actual heck episode and I still don't know what the actual hell is going on!

The mist episode 4: pequod

Again an episode with 2 storylines one would think but I think this episode I suppose there are three storylines

The escape of our main group has not been gone to plan because the car in front of the church would not start. In the mall a person gets a panic attack and they get the idea, to keep the people busy and the date rape guy kinda gets it from other people that where originally talking to eachother.

In the church the priest starts talking like it is doomsday the end of all days. And the group starts to get looking for a working car at a gasstation where they don't immidiatly find one but ths guy arrives with a driving car that has to be fueled somehow but they don't want to be outside for long enough to find out.
The guy has a son, but I suspect it is the person our main guy stumbled over in the beginning of the episode.

In all the storylines people are eating, but in the mall there is some exposition where one of the other females besides our main female asks her how bad the marriage is, which she replies to it that it is not as fine as it looks. And there is this angryness inside of her that their daughter gets all the attention and that he can never say no to her. She then reveals that she is happy that he is not there with them.

At the dinner party in the church, nathalie the neighbourhood hippie gets begged by the priest to look for answers in the bible, not in the first priest's diairy where a similar thing to what their situation is right now. I don't understand why but I guess it is so.

In the mall the daughter reads the story her father wrote for her to another girl, the video game vendors reel the two dead soldiers back in but with the second attempt the line gets stuck and one of them goes outside to retrieve it and then the line breaks!
The other guy, actually we get tricked to believe that he wants to go outside asswell but this isn't the case closes the door, then a sort of jumpscare happens and the guy who went outside jumps back into the mall and the mists comes into the mall.
This is where we are first introduced to the actual monster what is in the mist which can best be described as a formation of dark mist, ofcourse the non main girl gets killed in front of her mother for dramatic effect.

The monster and the main daughter have a standoff and they all think they're both death but the girl reveals herself. So one video game guy and one of the children are now both death so we cut to the church where they're discussing nathalie and her heresy.
There is trough this talk, some exposition and some change in character. The mist is after certain people at this point (seemingly) and the cop is seemingly turning good.

In the gas station there is a fight about one of the only working cars in town. And about this dead son where the military person gets shot in the leg by “accident”. In the mall they're discussing the exicution of the left over videogame guy having to leave it up to a vote and expell him from the mall with some provisions.

The preacherboy gets all extremist and convinces the pastor to reach Nathalie to kill the spider when she refuses he takes the spider from her kills it himself. The videogameguy leaves the mall with his provisions and walks into the mist alone an starts cursing the people inside.
The pastor starts excusing himself in fron of public when suddenly nathalie walks to the front of the church and he starts saying to nathalie that noone is intrested in it, we cut to seeing a whole lot of spiders in the cupthingie.

In the mall, our main daughter breaks down at the mourning of the little girl that died and says the truth as she didn't fight the monster. She just waited for it to kill her, the mother of the dead girl goes back to the main group of the mall.
In the basstation the main group goes away with the only working car around. Leaving clay the guy who shot the soldeir in the knee alone ending the episode.

My opinion about this episode is that it is kind of slow moving and almost nothing intresting happens execpt the reveal of the monster in the mist. It also sets up next episodes and I expect, as this is the work of Stephen King, that this series will end on the Nature of human character. As seemingly this monster is kind of picking people that have no regret for crimes but my question if this theory is correct, what the husband of Nathalie did to deserve this fate? And what about the child? Children are supposed to be innocent, right? What if it is some kind of sin given down to her by her parents or something we see that the mother is kind of griefstricken angry at the main daughter of the story. Maybe it is one of the reasons so the monster can pick of her.
I also wonder what woke the being up after all this time? Is it the same monster of IT? Or is it some kind of minion like Sauron is for Morgoth?

The mist episode 5: the waiting room

So I've watched this episode, finally and there is not that much of story in this episode. Until at the very end of the episode and by that I mean There was alot to do in the last quarter of the episode.

So we start at the end of the previous episode where the military guy who got shot in the leg, to the hospital to get treatment. This is where at first nothing much happens. We get some exposition about the time our main couple in the form of flashbacks to the time when they got to move in into their own house.

After a while, Adrain (our main white guy) meets his brother in a random room with a drilling thing in his stomach, he got attacked by the mist and ended up here where according to the doctor he will die of infection as they don't have acces to the operation rooms, the mist has set in inside these rooms and only the emergency room.

Flashbacks rule this episode tough, we see how the trouble of their relationship have. The reputation of the female gets explored and she was kind of the girl that has the ahems with everyone and everyone was in love with her. But always running for the wrong guys, until she meets Adrain.
There are seemingly also a troubled past between Adrain's brother and Eve. At the end of the episode there is doubt about who is the father of the daughter.

The emo guy meets this guy in the toilet room and already know eachother and out of nothing he kisses him and gets beat up, but stands up and kisses him again, and what isn't shown is that they had the ahems,

Also apperently there is this other person with the same name in the hospital than our military guy which leads the female of the group to betray them all and go (if I payed attention enough. Anyway) and drives away.

One last aspect of the storyline I'd like to talk abit about is the operation of Adrian's brother, they run trough the mist and they see the effect of the monster in the mist directly on the brother, they make it trough the mist into a mist free room where they can operate. Which is done succesfully. But then they have to go back and here is when it goes wrong, Adrian slips over blood, his brother strolls onward in the hallway and bumps into the wall.

Ofcourse he falls over and gets kinda trapped into a trap of the mist monster in the form of bloodsuckers and Adrain has to shoot him.

My opinion about this episode is that it is kind of strange to me. It has the slowness and mystery of a work of stephen king's work but it makes it kind of bad somehow. I don't think these are talented producers in my opinion to make these kind of series. It bored me that it moved me so slowly. But then it moves a bit to fast at the end for some reason. I don't like it, as there is almost nothing to do but to observe the visuals. But then again at the end there is a bit to much to do to follow I think.I give this episode a 5/10.


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