Episode 2:the battle at the binary stars

So, I saw the second episode of this series, that is on netflix. I don't think that there is much to do in this episode, and I don't know if anything at all with happen for the rest of the episodes in this series.

 So, at the end of the of the previous episode there was a bright light blocking starfleet's view of the klingon, now the second in command imprisoned the captain so she could take over the ship but the captain wakes up in time to stop the second in command and imprisoned her in a prison.

In the klingon ship there is a conference between the klingon lords were two or three klingon lords are verbally abusing the leader of these cultist that is starting up the troubles and after a while of this they or these hologramic representations of them go away and without any clear reason the rest of the klingon lords join up and before Starfleet can arrive at full force. They just start shooting at eachother in a giant space fight, ofcourse I have to admit that there is an attempt to negotiations and get used by the klingons as a propaganda stunt.

Ofcourse, I already mentioned that there was a huge space battle, with Micheal being in jail now by a forcefield she kinda survives the spacebattle by a little and gets some mind talk with a Vulcan who used to be her mentor back in the day before she joined up with starfleet. Her way of survival is because there was a part of her prison surviving and a force field around it and she manipulating the computer AI and she goes to the bridge and she gets all alright with the captain again.

Now if everything is alright again, Micheal and the captain go on a mission together in the klingon main ship after the starfleet starship (not our main ship in this series) during other talks between the humans and Klingons got rammed which fails misirably and the Klingon trouble starter gets killed, and they didn't want to do this as they didn't want to turn him in a martyr for the Klingons.

So my opinion about this episode is that this is a boring episode, because there is no story in this. Only some lame exposition when Micheal is kind of talking to her previous mentor and it focuses so much on the battle instead of the story. I give this episode 5/10 because of this


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