1922 (2017, netflix original)

A farm, in the middle of nowhere somewhere in the states near Omaha. This is the setting of this movie adaptation of a Stephen King novel.
The entire movie plot summarizes like this, the farmer's wife inhertes 100 acres of land after her father died and she wants to sell it and move to Omaha and set up a dress shop. Not only that but she also wants to move the entire family with her, which translates to her, the farmer and their son.
This doesn't go so well for the farmer as he doesn't want to move at all, and want to annex the 100 acres of land to his own farm and let his son inherite this entire piece of land.

The farmer for some reason, twitches and comes up with a plan to kill his wife together with their son, and turns him against her. Which works and makes her so drunk she has to be dragged to bed and this is where they strike and slit her throat. Ofcourse she (the wife) already made plans to sell her inheritance and a divorce so after her death a lawyer comes up to the land asking about her as she just dissappeared, this is also the story the farmer tells why she isn't there anymore and the police ofcourse show up and he (as in the local sherrif) is convinced by the farmer and his rouse, they also have a cow thrown into the well with the wife (here are a couple graphic scenes in here).

Eventually ofcourse as things go with things made by stephen King the farmer is going to hell, rats show up everywhere in the farm and the thing is that the farmer's financial world is also collapsing and the second storyline, the son falling in love with the neighbour's daughter makes her pregnant and they run away after the girl gets placed in some kind of place where she can have her child and then they take her baby, or that was planned like that but because of the farmer's son running away he frees her from this place and he goes on a crime run whom kills them both (or all three of them as she is still pregnant)

Everything is even getting worse for the farmer asswell as he developed some sort of cabin fever and hallucinates his wife coming back to him and telling him all the secrets only a dead person could know and begs for death. Eventually he is forced to sell his farm as his financial situation worsens even more and ends up in Omaha and works in a factory and drinks himself stupid and sees the rats again, they have seemed to have followed him which leads him to be setting him into the room where he is writing his suicide note.

My opinion about this movie is that it is a good story but there isn't much to be seen as like the story is being told and there isn't much room for interpretation and thinking about what could have happened to who or what like for example Predestination, which allows you to craft your own theories before the plot starts unraveling but in this storytelling mode this doesn't happen. As we are just hearing a person telling his life story. It doesn't make it a bad movie however as I enjoyed the camera work and there is barely any cgi involved and the acting is great! I also like the story somewhat and the message that it gives you at the very end. That greed and crime never pays.
I give this movie an 8/10.


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