The mist episode episode 3 show and tell

So, there are again 2 plot lines, 1 in the church and 1 in the mall, and both are quite different but not in a way that are still a bit the same in the basic line.

In the church there is basically nothing going on execpt a couple of talking where the cop gets assaulted after calling our guy's wife a slut and stuff (the backstory is in the series not that well discovered) moments. Until a female the hippie neighbour of the focus group of people wants to go outside, and the hardened criminal in the group goes with her to actually stop her. The thing in the mist has like seen before the form of insects and one flies into the crimal's ear and makes him into some kind of butterfly angel where loads of other insects spawn out of him and dies in a matter of seconds.

A random link appeared! this mysterious link goes to a website where you can buy booksand support me!

Seemingly the priest (still talking about the group in the church here) has an influence on the best friend of our main guy's focus and since the father, our main guy, is now locked up in the basement together with the soldier and the other prisoner, the best friend steals the pastor's keys to the church after getting baptised by him because he is a sinner and so on and on, towards the end of the episode they go outside to go to the mall where they intent to meet up with their families and stuff.

Now about the mall, in the mall 2 of the undercover soldiers have hanged themselves in the bathroom and they have to be removed by the staf and being locked up in the freezer room to keep their bodies good so they don't start to decompose. Still thinking the us military might have had something to do with it they search everyone on dogtags and they find a private who knows of nothing. Then 2 people who own a video game store have a fight with the manager and they get the bodies of the soldiers out of the freezers and throw them out of the building to see what happens (in carts ofcourse) they get caught after awhile without any warning to us the viewer.
I haven't written anything about our main females in this story in this episode and that is because they kind of start their seperate group in the mall, the daughter wants to move and so they do. The mother goes and fetches food from foodstores while daughter goes to getch blankets to use during the night. In the blanket store she comes accros the guy who she claims raped her during the party in the first episode and he tells her his version of what happens, he claims that he only did carry her upstairs and put her under a blanket after getting rid of her shoes. If I recall correctly she said she was covered in blood when she woke up again. Her best friend tells them he saw everything while the accused rapist says that he past out. Knowing stephen king I wouldn't be surprised that this event is in some way related to the mist and being the cause of it like in carrie that she has supernatural powers and so on and so on.

I think that this episode was kind of confusing as there wasn't really happening anything in the story but at the same time there was a load of things happening to the groups at the same time. Maube it is just that I am way to used to watching constant action rather than character development and being thrown into a story rather than watch it unfold before my very eyes. I give this episode 6,5 groans out of 10 because like this was according to me a what the actual heck episode and I still don't know what the actual hell is going on!


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