The mist episode 4: pequod

Again an episode with 2 storylines one would think but I think this episode I suppose there are three storylines 

The escape of our main group has not been gone to plan because the car in front of the church would not start. In the mall a person gets a panic attack and they get the idea, to keep the people busy and the date rape guy kinda gets it from other people that where originally talking to eachother.

In the church the priest starts talking like it is doomsday the end of all days. And the group starts to get looking for a working car at a gasstation where they don't immidiatly find one but ths guy arrives with a driving car that has to be fueled somehow but they don't want to be outside for long enough to find out.
The guy has a son, but I suspect it is the person our main guy stumbled over in the beginning of the episode.

In all the storylines people are eating, but in the mall there is some exposition where one of the other females besides our main female asks her how bad the marriage is, which she replies to it that it is not as fine as it looks. And there is this angryness inside of her that their daughter gets all the attention and that he can never say no to her. She then reveals that she is happy that he is not there with them.

At the dinner party in the church, nathalie the neighbourhood hippie gets begged by the priest to look for answers in the bible, not in the first priest's diairy where a similar thing to what their situation is right now. I don't understand why but I guess it is so.

In the mall the daughter reads the story her father wrote for her to another girl, the video game vendors reel the two dead soldiers back in but with the second attempt the line gets stuck and one of them goes outside to retrieve it and then the line breaks!
The other guy, actually we get tricked to believe that he wants to go outside asswell but this isn't the case closes the door, then a sort of jumpscare happens and the guy who went outside jumps back into the mall and the mists comes into the mall.
This is where we are first introduced to the actual monster what is in the mist which can best be described as a formation of dark mist, ofcourse the non main girl gets killed in front of her mother for dramatic effect.

The monster and the main daughter have a standoff and they all think they're both death but the girl reveals herself. So one video game guy and one of the children are now both death so we cut to the church where they're discussing nathalie and her heresy.
There is trough this talk, some exposition and some change in character. The mist is after certain people at this point (seemingly) and the cop is seemingly turning good.

In the gas station there is a fight about one of the only working cars in town. And about this dead son where the military person gets shot in the leg by “accident”. In the mall they're discussing the exicution of the left over videogame guy having to leave it up to a vote and expell him from the mall with some provisions.

The preacherboy gets all extremist and convinces the pastor to reach Nathalie to kill the spider when she refuses he takes the spider from her kills it himself. The videogameguy leaves the mall with his provisions and walks into the mist alone an starts cursing the people inside.
The pastor starts excusing himself in fron of public when suddenly nathalie walks to the front of the church and he starts saying to nathalie that noone is intrested in it, we cut to seeing a whole lot of spiders in the cupthingie.

In the mall, our main daughter breaks down at the mourning of the little girl that died and says the truth as she didn't fight the monster. She just waited for it to kill her, the mother of the dead girl goes back to the main group of the mall.
In the basstation the main group goes away with the only working car around. Leaving clay the guy who shot the soldeir in the knee alone ending the episode.

My opinion about this episode is that it is kind of slow moving and almost nothing intresting happens execpt the reveal of the monster in the mist. It also sets up next episodes and I expect, as this is the work of Stephen King, that this series will end on the Nature of human character. As seemingly this monster is kind of picking people that have no regret for crimes but my question if this theory is correct, what the husband of Nathalie did to deserve this fate? And what about the child? Children are supposed to be innocent, right? What if it is some kind of sin given down to her by her parents or something we see that the mother is kind of griefstricken angry at the main daughter of the story. Maybe it is one of the reasons so the monster can pick of her.
I also wonder what woke the being up after all this time? Is it the same monster of IT? Or is it some kind of minion like Sauron is for Morgoth?


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