Revival By Stephen King, storyline and my opinion.
Hello my readers,
I have finished a book again so I am doing an article about it! This book certainly was strange, and inspired by mary shelly's frankenstein as electricity and eventually reviving the dead play a huge role in this story.
We start the story in another small town close to castle rock where our main guy called Jamie lives, we view the story trough his eyes. At the start of his story he is but a kid, and a shadow falls upon him, turns out it is his new church leader. Which would influence his life for eternity.
Everything goes normal, he learns to play guitar until the day the vicar's wife and baby son are in a fatal car crash, and man is it brutal! this makes him reject jesus christ and his believe in god as he views this as so cruel in his mind god cannot exist.
This link will take you to a website where you can buy the book
The vicar has always had a passion for electricity and "heals" people from the start trough electricity. In the beginning it was almost only the placebo effect but the thing is nearing the middle of the book his healing gets more efficient and makes a living being pastor danny, and heals with eletrocuting people and healing them. There are forces at play, only nobody knows what execpt for the pastor.
Also there are some side effect which are different for all people, our main guy (who was a herion addict afte years of touring with bands) has black outs and sleepwalks somewhere before ending the black out. The employer of our main guy sees loads of colours and had visions of "ant people".
Nearing the end, the first love of Jamie is terminally ill leading to a main plot happens that makes Jamie go to his past vicar and work for him.
Note that he has been researching him and his healing practices and seems like there is not only something scetchy going on but also something demonic. and this all makes Jamie suspicious. There is a small pause in the plot and at the end jamie is once again kind of forced to work with pastor Danny. This time to revive a lady that had been dead for 15 minutes. during this process jamie has a vision of what happens after one dies.
When the vision ends, everyone who was in the room with him was dead and nothing leads to jamie himself.
Now my opinion, I think this book is the most mediocre book written by Stephen King I've read so far but it is certainly still worth a read as it is tought provoking as ever, certainly it gives an alternate explenation of the afterlife of what we are used to hear all the time.
There is room to improve the stroyline but this isn't a superhero book from the start and somethimes the plot is kind of dull and to focussing on the life of Jamie and leaves what actually gives electricity this power and where it is coming from. But it wouldn't be a mystery if it gets fully explained wouldn't it?
The biggest question of them all that I have, is that the afterlife presented in this book is worse than hell and is controlled by a demon or a god like hades and we are shown that it is basically hell but on a cosmic level instead of a pit of fire and brimstone. What I do wonder if there is an afterlife that is some sort of Heaven? Or is this hell everything there is and why does this version of the afterlife want so many souls? and why isn't the "good side" interfering in this what I presume is a war of souls?
I have finished a book again so I am doing an article about it! This book certainly was strange, and inspired by mary shelly's frankenstein as electricity and eventually reviving the dead play a huge role in this story.
We start the story in another small town close to castle rock where our main guy called Jamie lives, we view the story trough his eyes. At the start of his story he is but a kid, and a shadow falls upon him, turns out it is his new church leader. Which would influence his life for eternity.
Everything goes normal, he learns to play guitar until the day the vicar's wife and baby son are in a fatal car crash, and man is it brutal! this makes him reject jesus christ and his believe in god as he views this as so cruel in his mind god cannot exist.
This link will take you to a website where you can buy the book
The vicar has always had a passion for electricity and "heals" people from the start trough electricity. In the beginning it was almost only the placebo effect but the thing is nearing the middle of the book his healing gets more efficient and makes a living being pastor danny, and heals with eletrocuting people and healing them. There are forces at play, only nobody knows what execpt for the pastor.
Also there are some side effect which are different for all people, our main guy (who was a herion addict afte years of touring with bands) has black outs and sleepwalks somewhere before ending the black out. The employer of our main guy sees loads of colours and had visions of "ant people".
Nearing the end, the first love of Jamie is terminally ill leading to a main plot happens that makes Jamie go to his past vicar and work for him.
Note that he has been researching him and his healing practices and seems like there is not only something scetchy going on but also something demonic. and this all makes Jamie suspicious. There is a small pause in the plot and at the end jamie is once again kind of forced to work with pastor Danny. This time to revive a lady that had been dead for 15 minutes. during this process jamie has a vision of what happens after one dies.
When the vision ends, everyone who was in the room with him was dead and nothing leads to jamie himself.
Now my opinion, I think this book is the most mediocre book written by Stephen King I've read so far but it is certainly still worth a read as it is tought provoking as ever, certainly it gives an alternate explenation of the afterlife of what we are used to hear all the time.
There is room to improve the stroyline but this isn't a superhero book from the start and somethimes the plot is kind of dull and to focussing on the life of Jamie and leaves what actually gives electricity this power and where it is coming from. But it wouldn't be a mystery if it gets fully explained wouldn't it?
The biggest question of them all that I have, is that the afterlife presented in this book is worse than hell and is controlled by a demon or a god like hades and we are shown that it is basically hell but on a cosmic level instead of a pit of fire and brimstone. What I do wonder if there is an afterlife that is some sort of Heaven? Or is this hell everything there is and why does this version of the afterlife want so many souls? and why isn't the "good side" interfering in this what I presume is a war of souls?
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