Percy jackson & the olympians: the ligthning thief (2010)

I've decided to rewatch this movie as it was years ago I saw this movie on television. And I tought it might be a good idea to watch it again so I could review it.

We,start in some kind of american town I expect New York as we see the empire state building where Zeus and Poseidon meet up. They talke about the solen lightning bolt as Zeus thinks a son of Poseidon took it, while the son of Poseidon doesn't even know he is a demigod at this point of the movie.

We cut to a seemingly random highschooler who has a stepfather who is borderline abusive and it is obvious that his mother made bad choice with her partner. This dude has a case of dyslexia and in the schooltrip they go to a museum of greek and roman history where he can read perfectly, he encounters a monster and they go with the help of percy's mother to the halfblood camp where his protector said that his brain is hard wired to read acient greek but this is utter bullshit as there are presumably millions of people who can read more than one alphabet.

Once they get to halfblood camp, percy learns more and more about what he is, trough the art of exposition. After a game of capture a flag he gets to know his power related to water as he is the son of ofcourse poseidon. Then Hades appears trough the camps campfire and wants to have the lightning bold in return for Percy's mother but ofcourse, this is a bargain he cannot accept as he is innocent.
He leaves for a trip to retrieve balls so he can escape the underworld as they're now on a quest to escape the underworld. Yeah I said they as his protector and this girl he met daughter of Athena he met during this match of capture the flag are going with him with some hints they first have to go to a garden decoration shop which turns out to be medusa's layer and then to nashville to the parthenon well to the replica of the parthenon in nashville where they encounter the Hydra whilst retrieving the second orb and then they have to head to Las vegas and get trapped in this casino which they had to have forseen as they apperently were thinking third time is the charm,

In hollywood is the entrance to the underwood and they ofcourse go there, and negotiate with hades to give his mother back. But the thing is,apperently the shield this guy gave them in the beginning before their leave was apperently rigged with the lightning bold and his wife betrays him. And they're able to leave but the sater aka the protector has to stay behind as they only have 3 orbs which he does willingly.

For some reason they transport back to New York and the entrance to Olympus is on the top of the empire state building for some reason. This is also the point where the real lightning thief reveals himself again as Luke. And ofcourse interfere with Percy's plans and explain his and have a battle right before Zeus and Poseidon are preparing for their own warfare since they are thinking that the bolt isn't going to make it back to Zeus before midmight of the summer sollistice. Czuse Zeus said to poseidon this would provoke a war of the gods.

Just a little bit to late ofcourse Percy makes it and there is peace and they live happely ever after!

My opinion about this is that I hate it that hollywood just had to americannise this ficticous story about european myths and then export this movie back to us europeans. It would be fine if it wouldn't be so yay america all the time but they just had to have a comic relief in the form of the sater an have him be proud of 'murica. This is the side effect of having a superpower that can inflict 
culturaldominance over the rest of the world. But I think that the overall narative execpt it being for children and heavely americanised for american audiences is midly intresting as it makes the greek myths come alive again and on my laptop screen. I give this movie 6,5 outof 10 hydra heads. This movie lost most of its points due to the americanisation!


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