Lexicon (by max Barry) Gold edition

 Hello there,

this is the gold edition of Lexicon, as you may have now by now this is one of the things I do and I wont let this go!

Lexicon, the review

Hello there,

It seems that my approach to this story was a little bit wrong to be reviewing this book as this book now that I have read the complete book together it isn't as linear and I will summarize the plot now

First of all we have a rebel group, that is emily the beggar girl from the beginning but we are led to believe that its the guy that picked up will and is investigating the pure word left in broken hill a town that officially speaking has been abandoned by a disaster with the mining factories. Thye investigate if the word is still there. which it kinda is? I don't really know even with all the twists

we are at the same time also given a back story to woolf which seems at times to be a different person from emily but as the story progresses we are given more and more clues that this is one and the same person. Going trough her life from the moment she is picked up to go trough the school for this organisation, which doesn't seem to be an organisation run by the goverment like some kind of secret service agency like the CIA or FBI or something but seems to be more and more something like the illuminati the further I progressed trough the story (maybe I have to read the first book by max barry called Jennifer goverment maybe it is set in the same universe as Lexicon)

The story progresses as kind of two seperate storylines that merge into a third storyline. Namely the hunt for the word that made everyone kill eachother in Broken hill first by will and the other guy whom is part of the organisation who holds power by words for some reason that reason being neurological impacts of those words in the human brain.
and then Emily/woolf on her way to go rogue against the organisation and become a normal human being as it is kind of forbidden for people of the organisation to form relationships, with the main focus on romantic relationships as this makes people more vunerable to being influenced and they don't want your loyalty to be with someone else, and emily doesn't want that anymore since the organisation killed the first person she kinda loved? And she went batshit rogue after and went her own way which they wanted but this is rather being that they send her away and she falls in love. resulting in the endign conflict between her and the organisation.

My opinion is that I think the twists in this book (for me at least) are done quite masterfully and I appriciate them for what they are, and they caught me offguard even tough I was getting the turning points in the book but I will give this book 7/10 because at times its being to confusing.

Lexicon, by max barry part 1

So this is a weird one, in this book words are weapons and somehow religious themes are related into this world. Also I have a feeling that this is going to be something orwellian...

So we have 2 main characters we follow the first one introduced is will, so we will take this storyline first. He gets abducted in a bathroomstall and gets something stuck in his eye for some reason and he gets dragged out of the airport against his will
further he gets into a car anan attempt is made by an unknown force to stop his kidnappers by force (his girlfriend that was waiting for him at the airport crashes into their car with her own car) the rest of storyline revolves about how he is transported from one location to another.

Then secondly we have emily, a street girl who tricks people into giving her money by a cardtrick (she cheats) and a whole lot happens resulting in her being selected to go into a school/academy/institution. She has her troubles because she is still the cheater and almost gets thrown out of the institution for cheating on her entry exam.
But her storyline is mainly about finding out what it is what she was selected for, it appears that she is being trained to be some kind of witch with an arrangement of words. She discovers alot and seduces her best friend at that place to have sex with her and the guy kill himself over it.

I litereally have no idea what is going on, everything that I could have made out of the first part that there is some kind of conspiracy going on either against the school for these word wizards and witches or the goverment or both?
I still have no idea of this school is goverment run (tough it is hinted that it's not) or not or if the kidnappers of will are going trough a rebellion against this organisation because it does bad things or whatever. But what this chapter in my opinion does best is keeping the suspense in it.
My points? 8/10 for this part of the book. 

Update on Lexicon by Max Barry (part 2)

Hello there,

this part is kind of a lubricant to the rest of the book I suppose, but I haven't finished the third part as of yet. But I will soon, and I will update it to you guys

Well like I said this part of the book seems to me like a lubricant, nothing really special happens in this part of the book other than that will is on the run, for like the organisation that isn't clear yet if its working for the state or being something otherwise, like the templars or something.

Emily on the other hand, she in this part has to stay in broken hill, and she doens't do very much other than work in a story have sex with alot of guys and forms a relationship with one
 If you want to buy the book and live in the us, please do buy it via the amazon link above!


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