Dr sleep By Stephen King: part 4 a matter of life and death

Hello there,

this is the fourth part of this book, and I must tell that it followed the part that I expected but after this part will get more telepathy I think.
But no more stalling lets go the review

So Abra, now gets a kind of attacked, but they (as in her father, dan and some doctor that she met as a child) and confuse the cult by taking  abra's rabbit hugging thing to a picnick field and at the end of the thing,

A whole lot of shooting and other kinds of combat ensue with the members of the cult ending up dead (those who were send to capture abra). Now you might ask where is Abra in all of this? well, she was part of the plan too, she had to be in the rabbitthing mentally while physically and also mentally being with a friend.

But she didn't keep to the fucking plan and goes home, some kind of sneaky bastard that had to be on the picknickfield wasn't there and was at her house and because of that he was able to kidnap Abra, they drive kilometers away frm her home town in an attempt to get to the main base of the cult.

But because of dan's help the guy who kidnapped her gets killed and now she is free again, they get to a motel (with the guy who was ment to keep an eye out for her).
Well All is safe and now dan and the crew is preparing to get to the final charge to the cult, by the way spoiler its at the location that the overlook hotel used to stand.

My opinion on this chapter that this is really like a bit boring, it could have been alot shorter and stuff but I will give this chapter a 6/10 anyway!


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