Dr Sleep by Stephen King all parts together

For your convinience I have put them all together and now after this in a couple of days I will post the normal review and the gold edition of this book.

Dr sleep by Stephen king intro

Hello there,

I Started reading dr sleep while still having to write out the reports on another book, and I now read enough to review the intro, just to provide some other content than the things I was publishing the last few things.

So the things in the overlook hotel happened (yes the book is the sequel to the shining) and they have a settlement for the dead of the father of the family and the injuries. The son who is supposed to be the center of the book is still alive and kicking, he has healed physically but not kind of mentally.

He has still just visions of the lady in room 217. And he gets helped by the person who rescued them in the shining to get the visions of the lady, and it works. We skip to a cult like thing that a female gets recruited it because she is kinda talented. With a strange mist she gets transformed into something that is immortal.

Then we go to danny again, because he has grown up now and he has become a alcohol addict for some reason and he ends up in a filthy appartment riddled with cocaine and a baby that is not cared for at all.

My opinion about this part is that it is kinda weird what the fuck is going on. What is the mist, what role is the girl and the cult going to play or what is going to happen with danny?

Part one : abra

I think this is a bit confusing, we got a gang of people who live on steam that gets produced by children who have “the shining” die slowly. And also rather painfull might I add. Dannie is ofcourse an alcoholic because the drink makes his shining shut the hell up.
Abra grows up and contacts donnie at the moments he is sober for x amounts of time, in the hospice where he works and is being know as dr.sleep. He uses his talents to let the terminal patiants die when they're supposed to (they know this because of a cat, who tells who is going to die, this animal goes with a single person and keeps the dying person company) this is where danny comes in and relaxes the dying patient and it helps the patient accept his fate.

Like I said this chapter is a bit weird, we see abra grow up, dannie gets off alcohol and stuff and becomes dr sleep. But I'll start the next chapter now :)

Dr sleep By Stephen king part 2 Hollow devils

Well this part focuses on the search of the cult of abra, they get closer and closer by the day. For some reason, they get measels towards the end and they're not immune to it. The eldest member of the group, who had known an era when europeans still worshipped trees dies and now they're kinda searching faster for abra, the girl that Dan is teaching.

Dan and the first doctor that abra ever consulted when she was just a baby that witnessed the spoon thing at her birthday party (I didn't mention this in previous articles but when she was only a couple of years old she let a whole lot of spoons float at a birthdayparty because a clown let a spoon float on his nose). Well these two go on an adventure to get a baseballglove that had been buried together with a boy that had been killed by the cult to get their "food" (his is what keeps them "immortal") and they return to abra with the glove.

When they're back Abra her mother aint home but her father is, she had explained what was going to happen but the father still thinks danny is a pedo and doesn't want to listen until Abra kind of proofs that she still has the shining. Then they (the father the doctor, danny and abra) devise a plan to let the hell break lose! and fight back to the cult.

I think for what it was that this chapter was a bit to drawn out, it is good to have details and such but there were simply yo many pages to read instead of action! But on the other side I think that this chapter also because of the details gave me much mpre understanding of the cult itself and how abra is thinking and how dan will overcome his fears of what happened in the overlook hotel, it is even hinted that a campsite used and owned by the cult is on the place where the overlook used to stand.
Before it burned down in a blaze ofcourse!

Dr sleep By Stephen King: part 4 a matter of life and death

So Abra, now gets a kind of attacked, but they (as in her father, dan and some doctor that she met as a child) and confuse the cult by taking  abra's rabbit hugging thing to a picnick field and at the end of the thing,

A whole lot of shooting and other kinds of combat ensue with the members of the cult ending up dead (those who were send to capture abra). Now you might ask where is Abra in all of this? well, she was part of the plan too, she had to be in the rabbitthing mentally while physically and also mentally being with a friend.

But she didn't keep to the fucking plan and goes home, some kind of sneaky bastard that had to be on the picknickfield wasn't there and was at her house and because of that he was able to kidnap Abra, they drive kilometers away frm her home town in an attempt to get to the main base of the cult.

But because of dan's help the guy who kidnapped her gets killed and now she is free again, they get to a motel (with the guy who was ment to keep an eye out for her).
Well All is safe and now dan and the crew is preparing to get to the final charge to the cult, by the way spoiler its at the location that the overlook hotel used to stand.

My opinion on this chapter that this is really like a bit boring, it could have been alot shorter and stuff but I will give this chapter a 6/10 anyway!

Dr Sleep, by stephen king last part on the roof of the world review (+epilogue)

So the finall part of the book is the confrontation between dan and the cult that has been kidnapping and killing children to food for ages.
They have their main headquarters where the overlook hotel used to be like 35 years ago when danny was just a kid and lived their with his parents when the events of the shining took place.
The thing is that the plan discussed in the previous chapter is putinto practice but there is a detail that I overlooked, Dan took the steam from abra's great grandmother and used it to kill them all. Execpt for rose, the now leader of the cult since the eldest member died from mere measels.

And thats it folks, that is the entire plan put into action, what kept them alive  if taken from someone young killed them when coming from an older person! pretty ironic if you ask me
My opinion about this chapter is a bit of a letdown so I give it 5,5/10 banana's

Now the epilogue, is just how the life is going to be for Dan and abra now that everything is over. Just like the ending of Harry potter everything is nice and normal once again. and were supposed to be happy but I feel empty after reading this book


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