Cleaner review (2007)

Hello there,

I am not killing the publishing streak as of yet so I am providing some fresh content for you guys, This is a crime movie and Samuel L Jackson is in it.

Well Samuel l Jackson is a former cop and now a crime scne cleaner (hereby reffered to as our main guy). He doesn't do this cleaning business all alone mind you he has an entire bussiness created out of this. He cleans up not only homicides but thats his main venture. We start when he talks about his practices and how he cleans the mess up with his own products at a fancypants party.

After this he gets called in to do a job, he does this job without checking properly if its real, he trusts that the cop who called is really a cop and not some shady ass criminal. For reasons I yet have to understand his paper work is kind of lax. But he does the job and describes everything like a real cop would do.

Some family drama ensues and his daughter realises she is "forgetting" her mother who died earlier and under the guise of doing a report of an historical person for school she does many things to discover more about her mother. He visits the house he cleaned up earlier again and the wife of the murder victim opens the door and doesn't know anything.

So he tells her he is mistaken and goes on his way, he is now also panicking and trying to cover some things up with his former collegues some drame is also playing here but together with the wife of the victim they go on a witch hunt to know what really happened to the victim.

I think this movie is certainly watchable and is the kind of movie, that is played like on a weekday evening on television. Or at max on a friday night for the people who don't fancy going to the pub! I give this move 7/10 for keeping me busy and a 5/10 for actuall filmmaking as the film was in my opinion kind of boring once in a while and samuel didn't show his full potential


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