My personal review of Split (2016)


Okay I went to the movie teathre for free on Thursday and I saw this fantastic movie with 3 of the most bieutiful new actresses I have ever seen in a movie. But now let us continue to the review

So we follow the girls when they're on a birthdayparty for one of the three, when they're about to leave. In the car of one of their dads they get abducted to some sort of cellar (in the Philly zoo of all places) and get locked up in there.

Turns out, that this guy who played the young proffessor xavier in the xmen has 23 different personalities. Ofcourse he is getting treatment of a shrink for this but she thinks that fractured people, and with that she means people who developed DiD trough trauma are some kind of super humans because there have been cases (according to the movie) that there was a case of a blind woman who had her optical nerves regenerated because of her mental illness. The shrink notices that there is a 24th Identity growing, but it is all ofcourse a bit to late for the abducted girls.

Because they attempted to escape when the guy named Kevin, was a nine year old child named Dennis was havig the light. As they call that the one who is in control in the movie. The girl quickly gets captured by the personality that abducted them in the first place and gets locked up in another room, barely to be seen ever again. (tough we see her almost topless a couple of times troughout the movie from this point.)

A second escape attempt (meaning that it is physically instead of one of the girls talking in to the guy gets the second girl locked up in yet another room, in my humble opinion the female personality was making the sandwiches and they were kind of free at that moment, I would have tried to enjoy the moment but thats just me.

Now they're all on their own, the third girl who now takes the complete lead in this movie (always has been but now by this point it is utterly obvious who has taken the lead) keeps talking to the guy and almost makes an escape when the kid personality gives her a walkie talkie and comunicates with the outside world for the first time ever but ofcourse they don't believe her at all. She gets kinda punished and here is where the movie gets faster in means of plot.

The docor from before gets alot of emails from the different personalitiesand she comes to the philly zoo and tries to talk him out of whatever. She feels that Kevin is upto something and goes to the toilet (or she uses that to cover up) and she discovers that there are 2 girls in there that he abducted. Our main girl is still in the original room which is farther away.
Ofcourse on this moment the 24th personality gets in control and it is truely the beast as the movie has been leaing upto climbs on everything and kills the doctor continues to kill the 2 less important girls to the story here and there is the ending so it is time to formalize my opinion about this movie.

I personally think that het movie had a good storyline to begin with, the roles are played perfectly but I have to admit I did hate the doctor in the beginning as she had a certain air about her that was still unearned, I personally think that she earned it later trough her actions in the movie and I stopped noticing that same air. Furthermore I think it is kind of sad that they set up the ending like there has to be a sequel, I would love to see a sequel becausee there are some new roles to play in there and apperently there was already such a nutcase before. Please note that I am saying nutcase because you have people with a disorder and you have people with a disorder that do things like this the second one is the nutcase. But the tradition in Hollywood is that the sequel nearly always fucks things up.
Tough, this comes from the nutcase, I think that the ending message of the movie is very good as the nutcase called Kevin said hail scarred (mentally scarred can cause external scarring mind you) people or something. And I think its good. Now it is time to give this movie points, and I will give it the number I give to most movies I do in here 8,5/10. There ye goes , see you guys net time!


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