Animal farm review

Hello there,

I have read, this short story about politics and stuff and I wanted this review online so you can all read it I have chuckled abit about the ending and I must say that everyone ust have read this in their lives if you are intrested in either politics or literature.

After a drunken evening when the farmer has forgotten to feed his animals they throw him out and start up what seems to be a communist society under these 7 commandments

1. Whatever goes upon two legs is an enemy.
2. Whatever goes upon four legs, or has wings, is a friend.
3. No animal shall wear clothes.
4. No animal shall sleep in a bed.
5. No animal shall drink alcohol.
6. No animal shall kill any other animal.
7. All animals are equal. (chapter 2)
It isn't necesairly about communusm as, the French revolution had the slogan Liberté, égalité, fraternité translated Liberty, eequality and fraternety. The history of the french revolution, follows the pattern of every revolution that was succesfull. But we will focus on our comparison between Animal farm and the French revolution.

Out of the French revolution, a person with the name Napoleon Bonaparte was born as firstly a military leader later a leader for the whole nation. In the revolution on Animalfarm the pigs take up the role of leader from the beginning, leading the rest of the animals in battle asswell. Now that we got that out of the way lets go on.

In the French revolution, it was a quite socialist revolution I admit that but they change up everything like the months of the year and the days of the week, the pigs from time to time change something to get more and more power asswell, first a pig whom was a very herioc pig leading others into battle isn't the pig he used to be according to the pigs (like Trotsky in Stalin's era it seems but thats besides the point) 

In The French revolution, the form of goverment changed rapidly, in Animal farm not that much but they imosed new laws all the time and the animals simply remember it wrong. this happened quite alot on animal farm. In the French revolution, at first people advanced abit (they were the once that stormed the bastille)

Now the biggest difference between France during the french revolution and animal farm, is that there was no armed revolution against the revolution after they won. During the rise of Napoleon Bonaparte, when he was just an artilery officer the royalist (the group of people who were in favor of the royal house) in Animal farm there is some kind of  uprising but it is only verbal and is put down by the sheep. By which animals did you think it was put down? The sheep ofcourse 

After a while, the humans accept that animal farm is animal farm they come to the place , the animals watch in the room where the pigs and the humans are talking and they don't even see the difference! the most schocking tough is that animal farm is now Manor farm again! Just like with the French revolution and Napoleon Bonaparte.

you see that Animal farm doesn't really have to be about Communism but can almost be applied to any revolution or revolutionary movement as power corrupts all, and all become pigs in a while or become their nephews.


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