Beneath the skin (by nicci french) (part 1 review)

Hello there,

I found out that I didn't translate this review of this book yet. And I tought that it was a shame so here is a review of the first part of the book,
I have finished reading Sanctus but right now I'm to tired to write that out.


So the first part of this book is about Zoe, a young female british kindergarten teacher. She is a granddaughter of this armenian immigrant in great britain. She builds her life in London as like I said a Kindergarden teacher and has a couple of boyfriends and stuff.

She becomes a local celebrity as she blocked the way of robber with a watermelon. From that point onward, she gets interviewed by a local newspaper and she immidiatly gets fanmail for some reason, she also gets a stalker. Which eventually gets an anticlimatic ending in my opinion

My opinion and other irritating stuff

Well I quite enjoyed reading this part of the book as I view it as a nice opening for this book. I don't understand quite what is happening which I happen to find fantastic really. I really wanted to know who the one is who is stalking the girl even and what his (it is heavily implied that it is a man) problem is.

Probrably it is just some kind of pervert and stuff, above you'll find a youtubevideo about psychopats


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