A nightmare on elmstreet (1984) (english review)

Hello there,

So I kinda watched this movie on a marathon. Of the first two movies that is, I have yet to see the rest of the series. I think I'm going to see them in time I first have to do some other viewings first.


A couple of young people have the same nightmare over and over again. The main character of the movie ofcourse lives on elm street ofcourse, the nightmares consumes her and so do her friends for at least a bit.

A string of murders takes place in town by this strange appearance and much research is done to know where the nightmarescome from. The mother figure in this movie takes her daughter to the local sleep clinic which might be kilometers away as this seems to be taking place in an american suburb. She (as in the daughter) gets the nightmare again and somehow manages to drag out his hat.

For some reason the strange thing had a label with his name written  in the insides of his hat, her mother after some whining tells her that she together with some other people killed Freddy Krueger because he killed  children and was let free because of some mistake the justice department made (talk about vigilante justice). With this knowledge, the daughter (I'm terribly sorry that I can't seem the remember names) places some booby traps in place after her boyfriend gets killed by Krueger.

The rest of the movie basically goes about how they may or may not defeat the evil deity that is Krueger. 

My opinion and other irritating stuff

I think that this movie was scary without using jumpscares at all, I think that I love this and for this I give this movie a 7/10 because of that.
And this is a video about everything wrong with this movie.


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