Gladiator (2000 english review)

Hello there,

I have rewatched this movie to refresh my memory on this movie so I could write this blog article.
And Oh boy must I say this is a strange thing to watch.

First of all, here is a video that I listened to while typing out this article


The roman empire is on its campaign in Germania, the general leading the campaign is on very good terms with the dying emperor. The campaign is over, the heir to the throne arrives at the front line but he isn't pleased that his father didn't die yet. So Commodus strangles him so he can get to power, he asked Maximus (the general whom leads the campaign) refuses to swear loyalty to the new emperor as the old emperor asked him to take control of his position while Rome becomes a rupublic again.

Maximus is ordered to be executed on the spot but he manages to escape and goes home, but finds his family murdered by the Preatorian guard before he could even arrive there. Then strange stuff happens, and Maximus gets captured by a gladiator capturer and works his way above all else ending up in Rome to fight in the colleseum . He then meets the emperor and has petty fights with him and a power struggle with him

My opinion and other irritating stuff

Here is a video explaining all the historical incorrectness and how it really was. I watched this before rewatching the movie and I must say that I found the movie pretty irritating I give this movie a 5,5/10


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