Don't say a word (2001, english review)

Hello there

I finally watched this movie! and I have to say that this movie surprised me in a positive way. I expected that this movie would be a cheap horrormovie but there are no jumpscare in this movie.


The movie starts with a bankrobbing for a diamond that has the worth more than 10 million dollars. But there is already another robber that has gone away with that diamond.

A shrink on the day before thanksgiving gets a call from a collegue to crack a tough case in the local asylum and he visits her  and makes her talk almost immidiatly. This woman is already in different asylums from the age of 8.

They know nothing about her because she never talked and normally she doesn't let people touch her. The shrink gets her! But on thanksgiving the shrink's daughter gets abducted and now he is being forced by the abducters to crack the case faster. She needs to tell them a large number.

The shrink eventually cracks the case. and to do that he has to go trough the girl's past.

my opinion and other irritating stuff.

Well, like I said in the intro, I find this movie fun to watch. I actually advise anybody to watch this one. The camerawork is good, and like in the first saw movie you don't actually kinda know what is happening.

I give this movie 8.5/10 because the only cliche in this movie is actually the end


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