Angels and demons by Dan Brown (movie review, 2009)

Hello there

I have watched the movie based on the book. Not read the book because it is way faster than reading the book.


The story of the movie, is that the pope dies, and the favorite of the candidates to become the new pope are abducted and kept in an unknown location. Every few hours one of them will get exicuted. Robert Langdon is called to the rescue and because of a murder and a theft of anti matter at cern in Switzerland a scientist is also coming to the rescue. She will become Robert's female sidekick.

Togther they solve the mystery and all this in rome because of the line of illumination. It all turns out that the enemy (supposedly the illuminati) is closer than the vatican thinks. I wish there was more to the story than this but there is not,

My opinion and other irritation stuff

Well this movie is certainly more intresting that the last installment that got a movie, the da vinci code  

I think that the story was just way better crafted and took us way more to historical places in rome itself  
And because this is such a rubbish article I am giving you this video, that cinemasins has made of this movie. 
You Can find this video below


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